The Cinematics "Keep Forgetting" dir. Moh Azima

More Godard, this time from Moh Azima (Moh-dard?) is this godard?
nice images.
I'm no Godard (or film) expert, but À bout de souffle, no?
Nice clip, but this track sounds eerily similar to "Banquet" by Bloc Party.
Kev: No.
I mean I think there might've been a moment of new wave influence, but it's so vague and so very unspecific that it just feels like a throwback to black and white european films (kinda).
beautiful but vacuous.
did somebody see richard fenwick's "the box" at res10...? and, c'mon lusk: that haircut is so jean-luc...
I found the black and white transfer quite successful in reproducing the blocked out highlights of old film-to-video transfers of the early days. Quite beautiful indeed. Who was the colorist? Damien at the Mill? The video started out well with good pacing and interesting shots, but fell apart midway from lack of development. Nonetheless, the performance is well shot and the girl is hot. A good start to any vid.
the last shot in the vid (the freeze frame) = the last shot in Truffaut's "The 400 Blows"
does anyone know where i can see this video now that the quicktime link doesn't work and it's been taken off moh azima's website?
iluvmmj23/moh-azima: The Cinematics vid is back up.