Bodyrox ft. Luciana "Yeah Yeah", Dir. Michael Baldwin

Aside from some nice breasts, that was completely terrible. Prefacing the video with "music has evolved" was probably mistake number one. All downhill from there.
nonsense, that was good fun.
Heh. Not so sure about the fun part; this song and video really seem to irritate me. The term "pretentious" is used incorrectly so often these days, but in this case, it's exactly what that video was.
OK, so sex in videos is easy. It's cheap. Here, it's done in that typically cheap and easy way, and what with headphones and all. Boring, etc. Focus on the pretty tits and the rest of it will write itself: I mean, why even bother with the white liquid and the baby?
I'll take my NSFW sex/music videos with a bit of hardcore style and screw the pretenses. (As is the case here: Add N To (X) - Plug Me In via YouTube. Dir: Dylan Kundle, starring Andrea Spinks).
Yeah, this video's all tease. A couple of boobs, and then she doesn't even set fire to the stack of amps at the end. What, did they run out of budget?
The track is so much better without the vocals, I hate it that they released this version instead of the no vocals one. That girl is annoying and hyperactive, a big (and also not a good) contrast with the images of the people getting it on (which are slow paced). It's a damn waste. And if they had concentrated more on the wires, the white liquid and even the baby, and if they had used the no vocals track, it would have been much, much better. This track deserves it.
It's a very gay-friendly track, really, which repulses a lot of straight men because it/we? seem crass and soulless to them.
The video's pretty good, imo. Singer is definitely a bit annoying, but it's mainly her styling.
This is from a while ago, actually, probably early 2006.
Actually october last year, kev. There was more in the script I wanted to shoot but, yeah time and budget are always a mortal enemy! Taking into account what a lot of you guys consider a 'great' video, I don't feel so bad...
th track bites m.i.a., but competently. the titillation is equally competent, though i'm with huub on the extraneous stuff. i liked the tk.
TK was at MPC by Kenny G (not the sax player)...
i think this looks great - if id commissioned it id be very happy
and great tits
good work mr b
cheers mr h
for what it is, it's very nicely done and shot. who was the dp?
but oddly enough i don't think it goes far enough. having committed to sexing it up you should've gone further, and there's no need to suggest the orgy's going up in flames. looks like everyone was having a healthy good time. i wonder if under european broadcast standards you were told tits were ok but that's it.
dp was Richard Stewart. Top job with teeny budget. For the record, I had planned to use porn actors to go the whole hog, but label had, erm, reservations. As did my girlfriend!
SOME record companies are only really starting to understand the benefit of a 'saucy' cut for the internet and then their 'clean' or 'daytime' version also you have the limitations of a one day shoot - im guessing this was one day, right?
Add N to X is an unfair comparison (brilliant though it is) as they set out to make a porn film and then struggled to get a broacastable cut
Unfair comparison? If the intention was to use porn actors on this, how is it so different?
I also can't see what being gay has to do with liking or disliking this song. I mean, I love disco; so do lots of gay guys. I'm not gay as far as I know, but my litmus test is not a Bodyrox song which cops more from early hardcore and breakbeat than, say, early Chicago or New York house (which were both very gay scenes).
Two quibbles and some praise: I, for one, appreciate style-y girl pr0n (though the thought process for generating more of it for the internet eludes me - why bother?) And the narrative is vague and irrelevant, but whatever - it's still right to push for that.
HOWEVER, when I first saw this vid I found it really exciting. The way the performance is captured is fantastic, the sped up footage, the attitude/styling of the singer and the editing of it is really fresh IMHO. And the grade is top notch. There's a lot that actually does work about this video, it absolutely stood out to me - enough to make me research it online when I first saw it.
totally agree that the editing is quality as is the grade. Michael cuts his own work as far as I know. For a 'dance' video, with emphasis on getting heavy rotation on tv i think this really takes a different approach and works well with the track...
I thought electroclash was dead.
Sure. I mean, sure. I've said it before: why not.
Really should have scene a shot of burning amps though.
The song is sexy and fast, as well as the video (great editing!!). They fit together and transport a good feeling and thats what it is about.
be fair, its not the tits that are or are not the problem. Its all about the nipples... well smuggled
Mr B.
Great job. I think the video makes the song better.
Hope to see you soon.