Whitest Boy Alive - Golden Cage (dir: Mauro-Vecchi) - made on QOOB.TV
this one rocks. imho. www.qoob.tv< www.whitestboyalive.com<
Awesome treatment and editing, but I wasn't in the mood to play along the whole time. Mauro-Vecchi owes something to Run Wrake.
Fun! More more!
Wow. Totally great.
Very nice. I love illusions.
Check this one out. video.google.com
pretty fun, but that moebius strip is perfectly possible in reality.
absolutely mesmerising
boringly this would probably contravene uk broadcast legislation which is not big on opto-kinetic patterns as apparently they can spark epileptic fits
good work though
cool concept, good execution. mauro is (was?) part of kalimera.
nice, simple job, but the copy could have been a bit more engaging.
To Progosk: The answer is Yes, I was how did you know it? Until now, my name never appeared nowhere!
(hey, no problem, i'll keep it secret...)
...No secret. Now I remember, Philip. Thanks for the email (Did I answer to you?) and for the positive comment about the video. Hope we meet.