OOIOO "Umo", Dir. Shoji Goto

the best video of the year so far, by far, that i have seen on this site. loose as a goose, relentlessly funny, great stopmo, what else can you ask for?
I think I may agree with that. That was rather awesome.
great stuff. but: who are they? uncredible creative engergie. sounds like russendisco in giappanese-drum-style
kev, this band was borne from the same insane mind that brought us the boredoms, yoshimi p-we.
and if you haven't heard the boredoms... check em out.
Bloody brilliant. I especially like the guitarist with the pink foil head and the deer in the hour glass. -j
I have dreams like this if I eat too many sweets before I go to bed...insane video!
brilliant. never let it be said that drugs are an entirely bad thing.
This was directed by Shoji Gotoh
The song is a cover (rip off?) of the "Secondo coro delle lavandaie" from "La Gatta Cenerentola". Listen here:
wOw. interesting! and very catchy - I like that a lot. what would a video to that music look like? neapoletanian washing ladies at work... great pictures
a little long, but totally totally enthralling.
grande dek!
[As they continue with their washing, the Washerwomen strike up a wild song, about an imagined sexual encounter with the King. During this one of their number is taken with a frenzy.]
Oh, Madonna, what a lovely dream,
Oh, Madonna, what a lovely dream
Came to me in my sleep during the night,
With the thought, the same obsessive thought
That hammers at your mind at the age of sixteen
When you toss and turn in bed
And turn and toss, and toss and turn,
Without ever finding peace.
The king came to me in my dream.
He came to me as if he was
Really there in front of me
Yess...! Yess...! Yess...! Yess...! "
YEAH-It brings smiles to me as I type this, it reminds me of the breakfas cereals I used to be intimate with as a youth- such a delicious video for youngoldpeople and oldyoungpeople