Los Abandoned - "Van Nuys (Es Very Nice)" - directed by Ally Garrett & Helder Sun

Fun video for a fun song.
Los Abandoned official Los Abandoned Myspace
I like it. For private reasons.
gwen stephanie reborn brown haired... quite intense music and pure fun video - dont like sport-court location though. anywhere else would have been more interesting
loved this video. it pretty much sums up van nuys as i know it (minus the constant stabbings, shootings, and car thefts)...its the FUN side of the valley.
oh ah daku.
The sport court location is absolutely necessary, inevitable even.
This is Van Nuys here, this is a local band here, this is a sportcourt here.
One of my favorite things about this video is the sportcourt.
it's just a question of taste I guess on how much time you give to that scene. I got the point that its all about the neighbourhood, but -still- its a bit simple to put the school band into the school, isnt it? put them on Van Nuys street than to do their singing, thats what I think.