Peter Walker-Young Gravity (dir. Laurent Briet)

really nice, especially the first 3/4th's.
very cool.
a real briet. descrete but intense post-production job. nice photographie. banal symbols: sea, butterfly etc - but good.
It's a lovely vid. Very good.
Great work. What was this shot on?
it looks mostly on 16mm or 35mm - but some takes at the sea seam video. or the color corr was shitty
That was smoooth.
love the way this builds... shot beautifully and nice character development in the first half... however, seriously iffy about all the bloody birds at the end and the heavy handed symbolism and pretenses... could have been far simpler and far more powerful. Good work despite all this!
just beautiful. amazing visual work, as usual. (hi laurent?) i guess it's bird season...
That is just fantastic. Does Mr. Briet do all of his own post work? He does have a background in that right?
Charming little video. I'm pretty sure that it was shot digitally, dont know the camera, with his usual precisely calculated effects and color correction to feel like film.
Also bad. Boring hipsterism (man in suture wraps with eyeball) follows cute girl into dopey religious allusions. Only to be then attacked by seagulls(!) upon her departure. Oh how depressing!
The whole time we're supposed to feel 'moved' by the various simple images of modern life (the butterfly, the sink, the tv monitor). What rot.
Briet's an interesting guy, but this by the numbers indy sensibility should be fought against, not coveted. And guys, "character development"...? Who said what?
I think this was actually shot on video of some kind. It looks like film but Briet has shot video that I thought was film. His stuff looks amazing. Would love to know the camera/color info. Anyone have any ideas?
some shots look a lot like his death cab video, which was shot on a Sony HDR-FX1.
No shit, that Death Cab video was digital? I'd also be interested to know how he does that.
laurent writes his own shaders for shake. he cuts his own work and he's actually great at it. he's very very sharp. i think he reads here but if not i'll ask what he shot on but im pretty sure it was digital.
i really like this one of his. and the budget on this was ridiculous. i have no idea how i would've pulled it off on this budget.
that said simply for what it is it's a beautiful piece and one my favorite of his.
laurent says: super 16mm.
awesome tones, good pace, birds annoyed me.