The Knife - "Na Na Na" (Dir: David Vegezzi/Dagmar Weaver)

Currently obsessed with this clip.
It comes off a little bit like an Enigma or Enya video, which may work for Enigma or Enya, but not the Knife.
I don't agree. Maybe the video doesn't fit the band but, i think, it fits the song. Probably becouse the song is quite enyaish..
horrible. sorry. not my taste. music, video, message. badly spent energie. nothing to aim at.
Comes off like a terry gilliam 80's fantasy sequence and there's owt wrong with that! I think it suits the song down to the ground and is completely singular in it's style when held up against most videos out there. Nothing wrong with that either. It's typical of the knife to go for something so completely unexpected- nice work! (hey! broke my '07 cherry on antville! huzzar! now to vent some spleen...)
I liked it for its insular logic, arty ambiguity… and yeah, somewhere between a Terry Gilliam piece and a less grandiose Cremaster. I could see a piece like this playing at the Whitney
uncompromising&archetypal. another solid addition to the knife's currently unparalleled score of videos. (thx milan)
yeah casualaesthete, but the girls would be naked and someone really would be stabbed... now that would be a video...
Nope. A bad video.
What started as a very promising dream sequence of sorts (with amazing Isao Tomita like music!) turned into the worst relationship cliche of all time - girlfriend wants to kill boyfriend (or vice versa).
Interesting that CA mentioned cremaster for I feel both share in the same kind of failure. Both have amazingly charged elements (this: ritual, bulls, eroticism, elements of air, androgeny, etc) but neither has any idea what to do with these elements and what we get is a soft product of boringly muddy non idea.
So very frustrating to see filmmakers do this.
am i missing something? did someone leave the cameras rolling on an i-d fashion shoot?
i love it - its different to everything else with an emotional resonance
isn't that enough?
Just a few simple elements but still inexplicably captivating. Brilliant.