Korn - Coming Undone (Dir. Lil X) and Stone Sour - Through Glass (Dir. Tony Petrossian)

Coming Undone MOV Through Glass MOV Through Glass Director Commentary
you´re right, good clips, songs sucks, very interesting the one from Tony Petrossian, did he directed Liar from TBS, right? has he directed another videos? just for my knowledge... thanx
Super FX work.
Yeah Tony Petrossian's directed some decent videos for a lot of bands that I hate. Check it out at www.rhfilms.com.
I think the Stone Sour video is great. The song is a huge hit for people who really miss grunge - but Tony P did a much better job than he had to.
These "one gag" videos are often not very good, in my opinion, since they usually end up being more about the director showing off some technique waaay too many times. Think of all of the substandard Gondry clips (yes, they exist) and those bythe Frenchman's less talented imitators. Tony P succeeds here, at least IMO, because:
- The gag matches the theme of the song. The lyrics are about fake-ness and the visuals are too. That helps the gag read like an integrated part of the whole and not some tacked on directorial "look at me" wankery. Another good example of this thematic one-ness is the mental health based video fo G. Barkley's Crazy.
- The Stone Sour gag builds very slowly over the course of the whole video. The "hey look that's flat" happens on small items at first, then people, then finally the whole landscape. The casting and characters are also interesting enought that I didn't spend the space between the gags looking at the screen and trying to pick out what the next "flat" thing was gonna be. Definitely check the videostatic commentary thing from Tony P.
PS - has that "Little X" fellow done any hip-hop videos? I bet he'd be good at them.
the korn unravelling felt positively liberating. can someone please make sure they never come together again? (stone sour are are whole 'nother league of tripe. tastefully packaged, but still smelly tripe.)
As much as Korn opitimizes everything bad about the 90s, they can be admired for always making compelling videos. They had a whole string of promos in the late 90s that were over the top "events", and they had a few that utilized cutting-edge camera and post techniques. Plus this new one gives Little X a chance to espouse on his secret passion, quantum string theory.
I just check rhfilms.com and Tony P. has a really decent body of work, and maybe mostly of the bands sucks but every video has a storyline and thats a virtue these days when collage edition is all that counts, i hope see more videos from him in the future. PS - otc thanx for the link
Respect to whoever programed that unraveling effect.
petrosssian's done a couple of slipknot videos that are great - "before i forget, duality" and one that sux - "vermilion". All great songs. This video is really tight. A great builder, i fully agree with 30f on his assessment. alot of videos blow their wad early with the gimmick, and this one skirts that slippery slope nicely. question- is tony petrossian the tony from the directing duo vem and tony that was on rockhard a few years ago???
C-dub: Yeah, I just checked out Duality. That's a top-notch performance video right there. Also Petrossian's Millionare is pretty awesome. He's got a few duds in there too, but he's definitely a solid director. And yes he's the Tony of Tony and Vem.
yeah tony is great. his fx work is always top notch. i always keep an eye out for his new stuff.