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COMPLETE: The Willowz - Toben Seymour, director

'Jubilee,' director Toben Seymour's innovative second video for THE WILLOWZ, follows 'Cons and Tricks,' voted #8 video of 2006 on MTV2 Subterranean. Toben collaborates with cinematographer Ross Riege, creating stunning frame by frame imagery, completely in-camera. Another addition to Seymour's rapidly growing body of breakthrough work.


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artist: The Willowz song: "Jubilee" label: Dim Mak director(s): Toben Seymour dp: Ross Riege production co: Commondeer

progosk, January 31, 2007 at 12:47:03 AM CET

clever and charming, but that animated gif causes epilepsy.

hakai, January 31, 2007 at 12:52:22 AM CET

I love this Toben!

sgf_jason, January 31, 2007 at 1:19:00 AM CET

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this was all done in camera - well done.

captainmarc22, January 31, 2007 at 1:23:34 AM CET

why did this post become un-centered??

I'm gonna go ahead and say that "all in-camera" is a lie" ...

but I think it's an excellent video so it doesn't matter. Nice work! Best of 2007?

lex halaby, January 31, 2007 at 1:58:53 AM CET

Nice Job Toben. Still boggling my mind how much time and attention to detail it must have taken to pull this off in-camera. We've all seen "light streak" animation, but this one takes the cake in my book.

21eleven, January 31, 2007 at 2:03:07 AM CET

hat's off, cheers for doing this in camera tobe. note: i will confirm this IS an in-camera effect, though its nice to hear people think its a post job....

bobbysolo, January 31, 2007 at 2:34:01 AM CET

Hat's off to doing your homework:

my_sea_drive, January 31, 2007 at 3:29:13 AM CET


e10, January 31, 2007 at 4:57:52 AM CET

Yeah, questionable indeed since it's hosted by Ghost Town, a company who's reel feature mostly vfx projects, including many with similar light effects. I will say that this type of thing is possible, since I've done it myself, but to this extent I'll say no way. I'm sure some of the shots are for real but not all.

captainbob, January 31, 2007 at 5:03:51 AM CET

what were those two videos i saw on here recently with the same move? in one they did numbers and had the light moving around? people having the same ideas at similiar times.

casualaesthete, January 31, 2007 at 5:22:58 AM CET

quite impressive – in fact ridiculously so. My only caveat is that the scenes where there is even lighting and you see the lights drawing without any corporeal body attending them are composited. Even if the folks are moving quickly their bodies are going to show up, they're most likely done in a dark room and then overlayed over the normal footage. Also that the video concept is just appropriating pika pika. Still very enjoyable to watch.

dyna, January 31, 2007 at 5:37:08 AM CET

oops, you jizzed on yourself!

timmbuktu, January 31, 2007 at 5:38:33 AM CET

I've seen a lot more of this kind of animation lately, but i think this is the best i've seen. I've worked with the DP before and had heard that this video was in post- gave a call over and heard that it is indeed all in-camera.

inatree, January 31, 2007 at 8:29:22 AM CET

Liked the video. Maybe not entirely original, but well executed and fun. I don't quite believe all of it was done in camera. A lot though. The more complex stuff would be near impossbile. Watch the dancing girl again. She the new shadow appear on the wall when she has a halo? e10 is right. Ghost Town is vfx. Who care's though? Just be upfront. Not into the low fi look, especially when it is unintentional.

All in all, enjoyed the video. Keep up the good work.

How many comments do you think one of the Waverly boyz would've gotten if they directed this video?

dingleberry, January 31, 2007 at 8:52:02 AM CET

pretty cool, but really messy.

daku, January 31, 2007 at 9:20:18 AM CET


tommito, January 31, 2007 at 9:49:35 AM CET

Good work... but too schizophrenic for my taste though; I puked a little after watching that.

kevathens, January 31, 2007 at 12:46:49 PM CET

bob: Cornelius "Beep It", all of which refs INXS "New Sensation" - I don't know where that vid's director, Richard Lowenstein, got the idea from.

I like this vid a lot.

hassinator, January 31, 2007 at 12:55:42 PM CET

love it. killer song too.

moonman, January 31, 2007 at 4:49:11 PM CET

this technique wasn't used for a long time, that's why this video looks interesting. the song sounds like blind melon with shannon hoon, pretty good!

onesmallkreeger, January 31, 2007 at 5:47:47 PM CET

This is ace. Really smart and inventive (yes I've seen this technique before... yawn, i know so much... but I've never seen it used to illustrate someone having a wiz before!!!). More than anything it suits the song and has the same demented sense of fun about it.

dandylamb, January 31, 2007 at 6:11:30 PM CET

playtime! it's a light party and i love it. great job tobe and ross! (a comment on the comments- whew! these folks are seeeerious. and i'd like to bet fifty bucks that it IS in-camera. just cause i have no idea what that means.)

egos, January 31, 2007 at 6:35:03 PM CET

beautiful video but the technique is similar to Tiga´s You Gonna Want Me directed by olivier gondry or am I wrong?

stripedcollar, January 31, 2007 at 10:22:45 PM CET

Yeah, has anybody here seen You Gonna Want Me (yes, directed by Olivier Gondry)? Its not about being a jaded know-it-all who's "seen it all before" but to carbon-copy your most interesting imagery from a very recent video directed by someone else seems pretty cheap to me. I don't give a flying fuck if its in-camera, post, or created by magic squirrels flying through the air on hovercrafts powered by pixie dust, if it doesn't create an original vision, and with all the shit flying around our polluted visual universe, i don't care if the effect is genius, it looks pretty, or all your cool vfx friends say its a breakthrough. The simple fact is this video is boring and gimmicky; show me something interesting and new and genuinely entertaining beyond the realm of "oooooh! i wonder how they did that??!!", for the love of god.

hassinator, February 1, 2007 at 1:12:28 AM CET

striped collar: get off your knees and dry your eyes

nothing is new and this is ace

live a little


lex halaby, February 1, 2007 at 4:27:34 AM CET

I agree with hassinator on this one. It's not about the technique, it's what you do with it...and they sure did a lot more with it than I have seen in recent memory. Every video can be likened to another if only examining a piece of the whole. I give credit where credits due, and this is certainly the case here.

familiar, February 1, 2007 at 5:51:09 AM CET

Some nice bits, but too disjointed and inconsistent to really do it for me.

hitherejer, February 1, 2007 at 5:41:16 PM CET

Stripedcollar...YOU'RE RIGHT!!! it's a total carbon copy you mean that there were people in it and it was shot with cameras. The begining has some light effects and some more at the end, but it was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Very cool, but different. How could you even compare those 2 videos. If you are quoting that to be "original" apparently you've never seen the matrix, or any other video that came out around the matrix, including Gap commercials. You show me something "original" and I'll show you 20 of the same thing...we're all referencing material from the greats, it's how we grow. This concept and video may not be your thing, but don't give me a reference and say it's stolen just because it used a basic lighting effect in a new way. You are an idiot! The thing is cool. Deal with it.

and I'll add to that 50 bucks, because I'm sure it was all in-camera

yoonar, February 1, 2007 at 6:26:04 PM CET

its a realy cool and lovley video. Yes it's a kind of inconsistent, but that is a extra bonus. I think Hollywood and mtv creates a kind of entertainment zombiaudience.. totaly absurd to talk about "i have it seen before" ....

drylake, February 8, 2007 at 12:35:15 AM CET

Guaranteed, this is "all in-camera".
Be careful when you throw your "knowledge" out there unless you really do know the answer.

Great job! Woo Woo!


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