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A Perfect Circle - JUDITH - David Fincher

Previously posted, but here is a higher resolution version (odd bitrate)

& the commentary track

does anyone have info/ insight on the production???

dek, February 1, 2007 at 12:15:50 PM CET

(odd bitrate)

Partly due to uncompressed audio

dingleberry, February 1, 2007 at 4:07:40 PM CET

photoshopper??? you there? This fine lady seems like a worthy hotdog victim...

sgf_jason, February 1, 2007 at 4:13:44 PM CET

Wow, thanks for that. I've never seen this out side of the dinky anonymous quicktime. Can finally pull decent screen grabs for treaments (yukyuk). Loads of details that I missed before, this video still gives me the chills after all these years.

lusk81, February 1, 2007 at 4:34:00 PM CET

8 days of shooting! 2 hour setups per shot. I knew it. The piece is way too meticulous to be anything but.

presidentofvice, February 1, 2007 at 7:29:03 PM CET

super meticulous! a friend that worked on this video told me that fincher actually glued the balls in place on the pool table, so that they would always be consistent, despite the fact you only see the surface of the table for maybe 10 frames!

lusk81, February 1, 2007 at 10:13:38 PM CET

It's so disappointing considering his feature work.

spit, February 1, 2007 at 10:14:01 PM CET

I heard that each lens flare in the video took 14 hours of prep time and a team of lens flare specialists from Sweden. I also heard that Fincher is 10 feet tall and rides a big blue ox.

thinkmad, February 2, 2007 at 12:12:58 AM CET

I can confirm the blue ox, however he is actually 10' 2"

dyna, February 2, 2007 at 12:55:56 AM CET

Allen Daviau was the DP

chadliebenguth, February 2, 2007 at 2:03:45 AM CET

president of vice could you write more of what your friend told you?

mookie, February 2, 2007 at 5:09:01 AM CET

i heard everything was a post effect, ie: no real film damage (the anit-sam bayer green day video, if you will). but that should be obvious if you know finchers OCD directing style. and i agree with jason, FINALLY a higher resolution version i can steal screen caps from for my treatments, haha.

typical label response, February 2, 2007 at 5:28:32 AM CET


onesmallkreeger, February 2, 2007 at 4:35:03 PM CET

I remember seeing this on MTV2 6-7 years ago and being blown away. It's balls out, trousers down ROCK. Thanks for the repost and yousendit link. Great to have it on my hard drive. DK

progosk, February 2, 2007 at 5:30:29 PM CET

what a perfect track... who edited? only silly shot:

lusk81, February 2, 2007 at 6:48:00 PM CET

Angus Wall no?

luk, February 2, 2007 at 6:50:51 PM CET

blown away? hello?

only style and nothing moore. I would love Fight Club without the "coolness" in it. I saw it also 4, 5 years ago and i clould not believe that people like it. and is still can't belive it. Why is this a good video? tell me. wait. It is a good video... but nothing moore. Boring after first watching.

onesmallkreeger, February 5, 2007 at 1:57:00 PM CET

Luk- "only style and nothing more" - this seems to ignore the fact that since their inception, music videos have for the most part been window dressing to the tracks that they are inspired by. We can all pray that more intelligent and imaginative videos get made, but for the most part we will be force-fed candy lipped birds in hot-pants and uberstyled twat bands of 15 year old morons. My point was that when I first saw this I WAS blown away. Up to that point most of the rock and metal videos I'd been able to see (since music television hadn't made it's way out of the big cities much) were overly camped-up poodle rock (not to say this isn't a good thing) such as Guns N Roses, Def Leopard, Aerosmith etc. So when this came along with it's two fingers raised against the mainstream I was understandably pleased. The mood, the textures, the editing- it all felt (I'd veer away from words like cool or anti-establishment) refreshing and energising. So yes... at it's heart, this is a standard performance video and Fincher never treats it as anything but that. However, Fincher has taken the time to meticulously plan his shots and it plays out naturaly and unforced. The textures he uses have become de rigour but at that time were right on the money (reflecting the David Carson & Raygun aesthetic- 'the end of print' and the beginnings of the vogue for disenfranchised fin de ciecle themes in videos and cinema, which became Fincher's calling card). More than that, it does what Tim Pope often cites as the recipe for a perfect promo... that the video looks like it was conceived at the same time as the track. Whilst it no longer 'blows me away' (I think I've seen too much since this for that), I do feel like I could watch this again and again.

I like it, you don't.

xgfmedia, March 16, 2007 at 5:02:27 PM CET

It's still a great video, albeit a performance one. Although I think I prefer this to some of Tool's more 'arty' ones. One of Fincher's main DPs, Claudio Miranda, has APC vid (in high-ish res) on his site: (it's a bit of a one-trick pony [walk backwards, reverse in post], but looks good.)

The grade (on Judith), to me, actually looks a little pale, a little underexposed HDcam, in retrospect. The song still rocks.


jhenry, December 2, 2008 at 5:50:41 PM CET

Bit of a bump...

Does anyone still have these files?

msm, December 2, 2008 at 6:23:45 PM CET



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