RHCP - Desecration Smile; Dir.: Gus Van Sant

Beautiful Colors. Shame it's so minimal, but hey it's Gus right? Whatever that means...
Still waitin' for Chris Rock's 'Hump De Bump' vid.
a bit thin knowing that the budget was $100K...
where the f*** did the money go? did they have french laundry or the ritz do catering?
maybe its me but I dont undestand this video, no beginning, no middle, no end, just everybody sharing hugs, I dont see the idea behind or maybe thats the idea, no idea at all...
There's a brilliant comment on youtube that puts this one right into context:
4CiT (says): "Love the fact that you could just make you own version of this with your own friends."
I happen to think this is fucking brilliant. Who cares where the money went if the results are this good? What an odd way of assessing a video. And life in general come to think of it.
"Well, it's pretty good this video but because it cost a lot of money for what it is, it's shit."
"Well, this food is really nice but because it cost a lot of money it is shit."
"Mate, love that t-shirt, but how much was it? That's way too much, so when I was saying I liked it what I actually meant to say was it's horrible."
Etc. Clever.
admirer: good point.
let me reassess without taking the budget into account: its a shit video. you can call it ballsy, cute, or even fun... but fucking brilliant? really? i guess there's a market for everything then.
I found it boring and I like the band alot and have usually enjoyed the "low-fi" direction their videos have taken recently. Seems like a clip made only to satisfy a contract the band has or to simply create more, EPK level content the band/label can market directly to hard-core fans down the road. Without the fame/charisma of the faces involved I wouldn't have made it even as far as the thirty seconds I did watch.
Will Ferrell doesn't get as much screen time as the other chaps. Maybe it's the hat. Was enjoying the long take for the first 45 seconds or a minute, then was ready for some permutation. The setting is nice enough
Really amazing. A series of very good choices.
Some people are happy to watch some other people happy to being watched happy.
memorable, but then i've been sold on pared-down intimacy for way too long already. (having a hard time believing anyone paid $100K for it, tho...)
alt version mov