Moonbabies "war on sound" Dir: Zombieduck films
New video for Moonbabies "war on sound"
Nothing like a nice warm space diaper...thanks for the reminder.
first-rate styling&photography. loved the look of this. props, zombiez.
nice to see you guys branching out a bit
Thanks Progosk, we shot this in sweden where we had an awesome DP, Istvan Borbas, who usually works with Roy Andersson, and is the coolest cat Ive ever met.
super. great imagery. fun idea.
this is a short film! first I thought "oh no, not again space" than I got involved and hooked on the story. very good rhythm to it. romantic ending! liked it a lot.
Looks nice, but such a faithful reproduction of Dark Star's aesthetics means I can't help but compare it with Carpenter's original. This lacks the claustrophobia and ennui that I love about that film.
touché, ben.
I hear you ben, but we wanted to add a little more charm to go with the love story.