Robyn "Konichiwa Bitches" dirs. Johan Sandberg, Fredrik Skogkvist, Henrik Timonen

Yo, kids, let's do dis.
Plus: Costume designs - - Skogvist blog
"Konichiwa Bitches" is a Dave Chappelle reference.
this video is so dope it hurts. i love you, robyn.
i think it's the best video i've seen on here in a bit. when it started, i was like, i dont know, it looks a little crappy. but there was so much crappy stuff that it was great. and I mean that with the utmost respect
amazingly entertaining.
When I first heard this song I remember thinking that it would make for a great Dave Meyers video. I guess this is sort of like a low-budget version of "Work It." I like it, but I wish they hadn't been so literal with ALL of the lyrics.
ace. that is all.
I wish I had written what Captain Bob wrote, that is the crappy part and then the part about how good it is because its so darned crappy.
this is super
Sorry, I have a kid.
holy shit this is the same bitch who did "show me love " circa '98 when i was still trying to get in mary anne's pants after the football game. look how far we've all come.
anyway this video is awesome. reminds me of hype/busta "gimme some more" which also came out in '98.
The big lips save it for me. -j
Ace. Can't believe it took 16 months to make.
Maybe you should ask why it took 16 months to make...
hellø fred. så, whij did it teikk 16 münths tú meikk?
verrry konichiwa. liked the little details. karaoke-rap-techno. wild mix. the music just as the video. - but, 16 months to produce? did you sew the costumes in your spare time, or what?
Yes dis is cool I've always liked her 'Do u really want me' n 'Do u Know' dope The first title being issued as a UK remix roun' Christmas jus' gone
Another Pop Star who's hit the Africa trail Tho' in a more acceptable secular role' as a UNICEF ambassador
from first meeting to finnish it took about 16months (thats just to explain why the video is out now, and not 12 months ago when the album was out in sweden), first the video was supposed to be a commercial for Nokia but they pulled out due to problems on their side..The actual production took 2months, 2 of them was shooting days and then about 10 days editing and post... and yes we did sew the costumes on the spare time...
respect fred! was well worth the time and your handcraft-ship!
"see you next tuesday, you is a punk"
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