documentary: "Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes", Dir. Byron Hurt

anyone see this (tue 20th on Independent Lens, PBS)?
site, trailer 1, trailer 2, pbs mini-site. interviews here and here.
Thanks for the heads up. It's on here Sat night at 4am, so I'll try to get it on tape.
The segment in trailer 1 with Busta was very revealing, particularly since he used to be in Leaders of the New School, a group affiliated with A Tribe Called Quest. I don't know where he gets it from, but it seems obvious why Tribe's style of music couldn't last through the present day. I hear they're trying to regroup, and I seriously hope they get real serious about what they're doing, because their music is still relevant today.
PBS viewers can see if this program is still on their schedule here.
The Russell Simmons dis at the end of that Vibe interview is tantamount to sacrilege, but it's laughably true if you've seen either of his MTV Cribs.
There's not much for me to add to what I already said, but that was a great film. They highlighted 50 Cent in the piece, and it seems like 50 was the turning point. Since then it's been more about creating silly dances or mini-movements than the ultra-violence that 50 represented.