Die Fantastischen Vier - "Wir ernten was wir säen" Dir. Zoran Bihac

Vid for the first single of their upcoming album "Fornika". Benztown rules!
I'm not able to dislike them.
I enjoyed this one. Awkwardly entertaining.
Anyone know how they accomplished that technique? It can't imagine they'd attach a rig to people's necks..??
I would guess centering the head like that was done in post production where any point on screen can be tracked (for example the eyes) and that tracking point can then be locked into a specific place on screen. Brilliant video and song!
could be a rig where they pivot the camera around a specific point on the guys (i dont think theyre actually walking) but my guess would be stabilizing the plate with the performance, rotoing or keying them off and an animated clean background layer...