Travis "Closer" - dir. Michael Baldwin

Love this video to death. Here are the quicktimes
i love this. everything is pitched perfectly and it somehow brings the song to life. even the stiller cameo adds something...
Lovely vid. I wonder if the avid price gunning was a reference to Fake Plastic Trees, or if people just love low prices.
yeah that was great! Nothing really groundbreaking done here but an excellent culmination of many elements. Sort of reminded me of the short film 'Cashback.' I forgot how much I liked some of the earlier Travis videos, especially "Sing."
Who is Michael Baldwin? (Ben Stiller's assistant?)
er, that would be me. Ben Stiller is a fan of the band and agreed to be in it for free. It was due to shoot in UK but once he was on board, everyone got on a plane! All shot in 14 hours on one night. Lots of coffee, ace crew, extremely helpful band and genius location...glad you like it, it was fun to make...
Nice one Mr. B, as always.
Top vid! Great song, and I love Ben Stiller's understated role in this...
mr.b? which location was the store? was the superAfoods??? i live in eagle rock and me and my friends wife from scottland, effing love the band and amazed it would be so close to home,,, email me lemme know... cheerrs! :D