Golden Dogs - Construction Worker (Dir. Arno Salters)

Arno and the Dogs' second round. Quicktime here.
Great fun! I really like the lighting and grading.
really fantastic good job
Love the art direction and energy.
this is great arno. a hell of a lot of fun, with your consistently great art direction. congrats!
the dude can't miss. so so goood.
Most excellent. Will watch again.
Yes a really nice clip Stonking!
erm... the mismatch between drawn and real colours? overall a bit too simplistic for what i've come to expect from the salzman...
Yes true, kinda painting by numbers i would'a used poster paints n' a brush meself instead ov felttip!
Regarding the point ov being too simplistic Heres a real 'salzman' piece ov artwork (may well be implied cryptically by ur use ov reference anyways for all I know prog).. Yes salt = salz
nice work
in fact, makes me like the music that much more! great job, arno... has a copy.