Amy Winehouse "Rehab" Dir. Phil Griffin

she deserves better videos. these are too mainstream for her music.
word. record co (island) decisions i guess. she's now teaming up with label mate & ex-sugababe mutya buena, so i guess that's no promising sign...
her "fuck me pumps" was a much better start (by theatre&short film director marlene rhein).
nicely lit, but utterly forgettable. i reckon amy occupies quite an unusual place in uk music and seems like quite an interesting character, but this consistently fails to surface in her videos. what a shame. is this all for the american's benefit? i bloody well hope not.
agree with progosk, despite the 'lower' productions values, fuck me pumps is a much more ballsy and interesting proposition.
she's good mates with Mr Griffin, the director and apparently will only work with him. Griffin was the UKs most prolific director last year, knocking 'em out like fast food...
ive been an Amy Winehouse fan from the Frank album.
This album is great but both vids "Rehab" & "Im no Good" doesnt do her any justice.
whoever mentionned "Fuck Me Pumps" being one of her best videos to date- was very right. Its concept was fresh and different and was perfect for a new artist.
The newest one is Back to Black, via Promonews.
fantastic persona; superstylish video, but can't help thinking it's the wrong sort of wrapper.
Rehab just jumped to 2M hits on YouTube.
4.7M, though what does it matter when Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" is at 48M.