Muse "Invincible" dir. Jonnie Ross

A magical mystery tour..
nice cgi and all... Jonnie Ross' style is all over the place. I would never guess it was him. What happened to those crazy shot-on-video things?
this reminds me of Tim Hope. What happened to him? It's weird how so many directors are A-list for 2 years and then just stop.
Nice! I was wondering what he's been up to.
brave to make a video for muse and underexpose them by 3 stops. i like whats going on in the background - although the happy/playful aesthetic doesn't really fit the song or the band who take themselves so seriously. but anyway this is miles ahead of their previous video on the army boat.
i loved this, not what i would ave expected for this track. good to see an animated video where the band acually seem integrated into the lighting, as opposed to bright cutouts.
A bit like visual custard. Tepid, beige and boring.
awful track. and having the band in it makes it cringeworthy (though without them i guess it would have seemed unoriginal...).
some lovely art direction, how ill-conceived.
also, hairy: brave? so why does it just look like a mistake...?
it's really hard to see the band at all in this video, so that was a little frustrating, but i have a feeling its the compressed qt and not the broadcast digi. i love the art direction and animation, spot on.
Having the band unlit hasn't been a good idea. It probably sounded ace, though, in the pub.
Take the band out of the edit and you've (probably) got a good video, because the fairground characters are cute.
unshow the band? at least do it with style.
i always want to love muse videos. and then i watch them.