Yoriyos "The Pied Piper" Dir. Ron Winter w/ Jon Watts, Illustrated by Katy Horan

Nice, cut outs puts me in mind ov Miyazaki's 'Nausicaa of the valley of the wind' - the ohmu's, sorta!
Beautiful work. Technically skilled enough to never seem technical.
link is dead ... ???
link's back up.
Winter's part of the nyc scene. Site and respective work found here:
lovely. Nice that it takes its lessons from the past but doesn't go for old-timey, is contemporary but has a classic feel. Liked the textures and patterns throughout. Kinda wished there wasn't a fade-to-color moment at the end, but it still looks good. Well done, Ron
yay they chose the tree sperm as the thumbnail! the tree sperm are my favorite! i like the color palette thats introduced, the gimmick has been done a lot but i think it works in this context. my gripe is more with the quality of the fade effect itself, its pretty cheesy compared to the 3d and live action.
the book/paper thing has been done a bit too but it really seems to suit the material in this case, as opposed to just an aesthetic the art director wanted to push..