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Lyapis Trubetskoy - Capital (dir. Alexey Terekhov)

"Surrealistic pop art, or cynical sight at the world politics, made within the limits of formats of pop musical channels. "An apocalypse, now."

Quicktime - PooTube - JPG shots

via Motionographer

robodrug, April 7, 2007 at 9:40:45 PM CEST

Well that's jus' magic that is! Stupendous Its summit else as Sid Vicious would say .......or Eddie Cochran Yeah I know

spit, April 7, 2007 at 9:44:44 PM CEST


hassinator, April 8, 2007 at 1:11:23 AM CEST

really well done

progosk, April 8, 2007 at 10:24:57 AM CEST

lyrics (roughly):

I eat gold bricks for lunch, and for dessert diamonds with cream of crude.

My name is Beelzebub, the master of the stratosphere, I am unbelievably cool and commonly respected.

refrain: In my left hand a Snickers, in my right hand a Mars. My PR manager is Karl Marx.

Capital! Capital! Capital! Capital!

My face is Madonna, all filled with rotten pears. All kneel! The orchestra play a flourish!

Capital! Capital! Capital! Capital!

I eat cities and drink the seas. My beard obscures the sky: thunder and lightning, fog and rain. Ministers and chiefs, they lick my boots.

and, from basilisk's comment over on mo'grapher: What’s it all about? A bit of research into Belarusian politics gives a few possible answers. Alexander Lukashenko is the bald guy with the moustache, with the label “batska” (father) who is president of Belarus. He was elected (in an election that was alleged to be rigged by European observers) to a third term in 2006. Belarus has a centralised Soviet-style economy with little political and economic freedom. Lukashenko favours close ties with Russia, and has also had close ties with political mavericks such as Castro, Chavez, Ahmadinejad (and presumably Saddam Hussain and Kim Jong Il) I imagine that any satirical depiction of the president is pretty radical in Belarus, maybe even dangerous. The anti-capitalist message is somewhat confusing though, given that Belarus is probably the least capitalist country in Europe. Maybe it helps get the song past the censor?

robodrug, April 9, 2007 at 5:12:32 AM CEST

It seems to be sum sort ov nod to anti-globalism and was released on the Ist May for the international solidarity day of the workers

Interesting WAG related video! its cool Belarus 'Playboy' playgirls of the month! Alesia and Marina Berulava of the 'Merry Poppins' One of the sisters, Alesia, is married to Sergey Mikhalok - the lead singer of "Lyapis Trubetskoy"

Merry Poppins Love 14.9 avi

comments by director Alexander Terekhov and band leader Sergei Mihalok.

Beta translation

Video clip , Can be described as striking and unusual in clipografii was withdrawn Minsk Director Aleksei Terekhov, co legendary clips (1998) and (1999), sponsored clip (2004). Sergei Mihalok of mnogogolovy and mnegrouky Shiva at the top of menauschem face hefty beast man in the world. Around leader unfolding apocalyptic picture up of the symbols of modern civilization from polurazrushennoi story towers to skyscrapers of New York, from the aircraft and the space shuttle before the oil rig. Periodically the screen will be leaders antiimperialisticesc s world-Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, President Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud television, Alexander Lukashenko, and even Saddam Hussein. “It is a funny clip the technology is a very simple question. His main principle and the main task force-limit saturation of competing objects” says director Alexander Terekhov.

Song The song also a landmark for the team. “Before that, we laughed over pop-kultura says Sergei Mihalok. - Sol was that our travesty of culture often been popular herself. But now pop-kultura became so small that we decided to take a more global topics and issues”. Composition would name a new album “lpisov”, who’s previous working title “jir and golden salo”. “This song is not the money at all, said ‘lpisov’ leader. "It is the cult of accumulation and consumption, which is rampant in today's society. My dream is to reach the point at which a phone with diamonds or go to superdorogoy car will be a great shame. But this must not be a ban, and through awareness, look at itself and the world at large”.

During the first two days clip on the portal Rambler Vision reported over 10,000 hits

toddyokoh, April 9, 2007 at 5:28:58 PM CEST

Holy moley. Great visual continuity.

30f, April 9, 2007 at 8:19:02 PM CEST

Wow! Great video! That was a blast! And it wasn't until 2/3 of the way through that I knew the singer was in Insane Clown Posse.

familiar, April 9, 2007 at 8:24:15 PM CEST

Visually stunning.

kevathens, April 10, 2007 at 2:51:16 PM CEST

Anyone know where that is being aired?

loz, April 10, 2007 at 7:46:22 PM CEST

jesus christ! that's absolutely beautiful! so much better detail that similar stuff i've seen, and are those actually the lyrics? sick. amazing.

cheekynewmonkey, April 17, 2007 at 10:27:59 AM CEST

Woah! It's like a massive Marc Ryden trip! Reminds me of like 10 things at once. holy! This is totally not as complex or anything but pretty cool too. For cutout animation that kinda has depth.

robodrug, April 25, 2007 at 12:10:33 PM CEST

Thx sherbet's cool monkey


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