Atmosphere "National Disgrace" (Dir: Lex Halaby)

low res
Here's a video I directed a while back that I am finally getting around to posting. Would love to hear some input from the regulars and newcomers alike. Thought it was an appropriate time to post with the Dizzee vs. Rap Concept vs. Rock Concept discussion coming up again. Thanks.
Hey Lex, you know how i feel about this joint...This is whats up!!!
yeah still awesome!
really nice.. beautiful to watch.. love the subtle pulses on the beat..
Narrative rap video at its most delicious.
I like the use of slow-mo to present a piveledged view point. Especially as this is about just that. What was the thinking behind using it throughout? Did you shoot anything at normal speed? Just curious..
It's interesting that rap and hiphop artists are open to these non artist lead and/or narrative videos.Also it works really well in WIZ's new Dizzy vid (Sirens) that the artist is featured but the narrative remains strong. Best of both worlds I guess.
Anyway, I'm glad that bling, cars and booty shaking aren't all we get!! :) PS: Total geek question...please don't shoot me...What frame rates? Sorry!
was convinced i'd seen this here before. really well done. what'd you shoot at/on?
Thanks. We shot with the Photosonics ActionMaster 500 at 300-360fps throughout the entire video. The DP was Bryan Newman. It was the rare occasion when a hip-hop artist was willing to not be seeing rapping in the video and instead give me total creative freedom. Great group and label to work with.
ali, I decided early on that I wanted the entire video to be shot in high-speed. Although it may sometimes seem strange for a faster track, I think it holds up as a whole piece. Sometimes its better to make that kind of creative decision early and stick to your guns throughout. I was fortunate no one stepped in and told me "no" at any point in production :-)
Lex.. I agree good to decide early on and go with your instinct. I just shot most of a trampolining music vid at 150fps and 360fps. But it's bookended by noraml speed stuff and 50fps stuff which really suits the music. I just kinda knew which bits would work at which speeds. And my DOP ben Moulden seemed to have a great instinct for that too. In your case tho it all works slow. Cool work. I look forward to finding out what u think of mine when it's cut. Its sooooooo different from this. The only common ground being the slow mo I guess... :)