Feist - "My Moon, My Man" (dir. Patrick Daughters)

Second of two recently-shot videos from Daughters, for Feist. This one was set at Toronto's Pearson International Airport.
MOV via DB (sourced from Stillepost)
I prefer this to the video for "1 2 3 4". I think it's just great.
i forsee this thread getting 100 posts of arguments
I can't believe it took 3 comments before someone said "OK Go."
the song is alot better than the video.
the fit between feist and these videos is how they conjugate prowess and effortlessness. damn this is fine.
Wish the encoding were better on this, but this may be the Feist of choice for me.
Does this really need 100 posts of argument?
That will probably get redundant and boring I am sure.
Anyhow, technically, this is a joy to watch.
Savant camera work, thats what this says.
Wonderful work
entirely awesome!
though my airport experiences are never this pleasurable or exciting.
The boy's got cinema in his veins! Curious to see if it carries over. Great vid.
i think ive fallen in love with feist and patrick
how old is patrick? what was his first video? just curious.
BS video. Lazy. Shit lighting too: WTF was that? The song is indeed much better.
I now understand the PD hype.
fcking brilliant video. I also think this is better than the 1,2,3,4 vid. I think it is a better song, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Good idea, but for me it is the sheer chutzpah of the execution that had me gripped from start to finish.
Great choreography well executed. Great camerawork. But above all that, great direction. Remember that?
And to the guy who criticised the lighting- you can bet your arse that lighting this wasn't a walk in the park.
My favourite bit was the strobing section. Beautiful.
i dunno, this one kinda washed over me. sometimes great execution and complex camerawork just doesn't add up to a great video. i think the limitations of the location and lighting were just too difficult, and the looseness that was so great in 1,2,3,4 doesn't seem right here.
still, a fuck site better than 99% of things ive seen recently.
another banger from mr daughters - is anyone doing better work than this at the moment? i don't think so....
Too good! Too good! Too good! Too good! Too good! Too good! Too good! Too good!
God. It almost makes me feel ill with goodness.....
Like it.
very sexy
Wonderful. The new album is also phenomenal.
hmmm nofare.
Did you see the camera once in the reflection?
Regardless. . .
I don't know, thats pretty good site specific, idea specific lighting.
i still think its a ripoff of ok go :)
it may have been inspired by ok go but this video is exponentially better. i like the tricks in combination with the polished appearance and superior camerawork.
The scary thing about this video: that's not a moving escalator...
apparently the escalator stayed where it was and the rest of the set was moved by forty men running up and down the sound-stage.
Hah. The post that I referenced by saying "sarcasm" was deleted. Oh well. I like shatner's explanation better than my own.
I have been following PD's work for a while now, and I think Feist's music has really allowed him to shine and appropriate some great ideas.
This clip rocks my world, and I would never compare it to OK Go.
coupled with 1,2,3,4 it don't get much better than this.
bless you all my children.
making of flv