Dragonette ///// I Get Around ///// Dir. Wendy Morgan

Quicktime www.revolverfilms.com
Utube www.youtube.com
Less gay guys dancing and more girls making out please.
as summed up elsewhere: bow-chikka-bow-wow.
(boys can't help dancin' for her.)
What can I say? The shots at the beginning were gorgeous,with the female lead singer in the corridor. However in terms of content, some of the post is awesome, but the whole gay/lesbian snogging was a bit boring and full on.
A lovely Eurythmics ref at the end there.
I like the song and I think the story for the video is creative and works really well with the lyrics.
The opening shot is SEX! It's graphic, sexy, intriguing, leading us in, beautiful lighting. Unfortunatly it kinda loses it for me after that visually..But I do like the spangly neon posty bits...those are cool....Hoxton... More cool spotlit stuff woulda done it for me. And bring on the lesbian snogging..it never did anyone any harm. :D
Guess I'll have to take ur word fe dat Ali! Respect!