Coconut Records (Jason Schwartzman), 'West Coast' [dir. Cheryl Dunn]
Video featuring pro skater Mark Gonzales with rare skateboarding footage taken from an exhibit in Germany.
Wow. Nice flow. Suits the track. Marl's outfit is pretty nifty too. -j
amazing. Proves that skating can make for an amazing music video. More artists should enlist pro skaters to do their videos.
no please, no more skateboarders in videos.
Buenosonic...If you wanna see something that has all the shitness of skateboards but with the amazingly "clever" twist of not actually having skateboards in it you could torture yourself with this.....
More sk8boarding w/out boards from Joaquín Baca-Asay and PES.
ali, saw that. it's so embarassing.
plus, it's a shame that PES didn't know those adv creatives stole that human skateboard idea somewhere else on the internet, he probably would have refused to do it (i hope).
Hi Buenosonic. Apparently the DJ got a mate to make that. According to commissioner gossip anyway. Nice one. Not. Ha ha!
have this on serious repeat - something mesmerizing about the various subtexts&resonances. (mov.)
aside: what shoes are those?