Bumblebeez, "Dr. Love" (Dir. Tom Kuntz)

Via Bigstereo
.MOV here.
tom kuntz for president of the universe.
for those that don't know, www.kuntzmanor.com
cute... but sorta uncomfortable to watch.
uncomfortably awesome!
Hot dusty candy!
A classic! Well maybe not a classic as i doubt i'll be having a repeat viewing anytime soon. But what a video! Yes awkward, but i loved every uncomfortable minute. I just love Kuntz (maybe because i am a huge one myself?) tyvm victor for posting his site.
how fucking awesome was that?! (that's right!)
Might be my favorite of the year thus far. Fab!
I couldn't agree more.
thank god there are still videos like that around or i gonna lose faith
Best video since Whale's "Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe".
Ahhhh fungible! Thank u so much for bringing back the nostalgia. Slobo babe is still among my favs - "BROKEN KNEECAP!!!!" - gotta go find it now!!!
interesting idea but it dain't knock me overboard
brilliant! but i almost wish the singer was just another bum and not the dude in the band and jesus is the girl from the bumblebeez moonlighting as a spicegirl.
ed. carlos arias comments (also on tom's lcd).