Bjork "Earth Intruders" : Dir. Michel Ocelot
Please note: We got an email from Dorothy Sherman at GrayZone Inc on behalf of Atlantic Records, claiming this posting is infringing their intellectual property rights. Since we cannot afford the risk of legal troubles without putting the whole of at risk, I have removed the posting. I hope you understand this. Hannes Wallnoefer, co-admin.
wowww that was disappointing. I read Michel Ocelet was a french animator so I was expecting a big old-school cel animation romp. This looks like a pretty good contest entry to a Bjork green screen contest.
After those crappy Medulla videos for "Where is The Line" and "Who is it?" I'm losing confidence that Bjork is good at discovering first-time music video directors.
I liked "Who is it"! If you watch it on TV the colors are just gorgeous. Great DP and TK work.
This isn't bad, but I can't see myself getting excited about it. That ending shot is absolutely sophomoric and should be tossed in the garbage.
you guys are scary.
Ísadóra has been watching princes and princesses.
Bjork is so fantastic at delivering performance. Shame the vid doesn't really exploit that. Saying that it's so hard to follow people like Sophie Muller here. (Just the way she got Bjork to fry an egg in Venus as a Boy allowed so much more in terms of performance than this does.)
I enjoyed bits of it tho. Reminded me of Lotte Reigner who no doubt influenced Ocelot.
I think "Where is the line" and "Who is it?" were both underrated videos on this site, anyways they're hardly the worst Bjork videos. People forget that Bjork makes a lot of crappy videos along with her masterpieces. Violently Happy, Pagan Poetry and Nature is Ancient are probably her worst videos (although I'm not crazy about Possibly Maybe or the Ren & Stimpy one either) and I think this video is a step above any of those. Anyways when you take risks the way that she does, you're bound to screw up a little. I'm sure she'll probably team up with Cunningham, Jonze or Gondry again for at least one video off this album.
Haha! Pagan Poetry is probably her best video. So contemporary it hurts.
No worries, Hannes.
The vid's on iTunes tomorrow, apparently.
hey, dorothy: you need to call aol!