CSS "Alcohol" : Dir. Jared Eberhardt

I don't care if it is stop motion and I don't care if everyone on here seems to hate CSS. This is really fun and well made. Looks to be a little step up from this guy's Poo Poodles video which is basically the same thing with a less catchy song and less interesting puppet characters.
i, for one, do not hate CSS. i think they are an amazing band. what i do hate, however, is their video for "alala". that was pure shit. this video is just OK.
i like it. i like the characters , the style, the animation and the random factor. i also really like CSS and am slightly jealous of jared because he has made a video for them, but it's really good so i'll let him off.
That was hawt. Cansei is hawt.
i find this close to perfect for this cooly fun track. (funny romanek/apple ref in those polas, for me.)
mva why do you hate the Alala video? Just curious, seems there are mixed reviews. I really enjoy it.
Derivative and boring.
BTEC animation. Seen better on Rolf's cartoon club.