Lavender Diamond, 'Open Your Heart' [dir. Sia from Zero 7]

Becky Stark and her buzz-laden folk-pop group Lavender Diamond rollerskate and high-step through the streets of suburban Los Angeles in the video for the first single off their debut album, 'Imagine Our Love.' Stark called upon Australian songtress (and former Zero 7 vocalist) Sia for directorial duties.
Watch video on Spinner [Flash]
Nice video, but I wonder if people from other countries are starting to think there's something in our water supply that's making innocuous young hipsters break into dance on every street corner. The sheer level of these types of clips in the last month is unbelievable.
Someone want to trace the cultural underpinnings of this trend? It's fascinating. Kev? 30f?
That was the cutest ending ever! Cool vid.
spit: Hipsters are getting over their masculinity and learning the joy of dancing? (alternatively, see: the Polyphonic Spree, who for some reason always make me think of the Branch Davidians) I'm looking forward to when rappers get together like this.
spit: I think there is a return to thetricality in all kinds of pop music. Panic@, Fall Out Boy, the Killers and Chemical Romance are all playing dress up. A contrast to the dour, humorless-ness that started with grunge and extended into nu metal and all that. Black t-shirts and standing in one place while you play is out. Same in hip-hop where funny, sing songy raps are common, even if you are rapping about selling drugs. That is a shift from the menacing GUnit gangsta glower of a few years ago. The hipster thing seems similar but I am not sure what is with the dancing. Maybe there is a big sale on choroegraphy down at the production mall off the interstate.
she really can't rollerskate for shit though
^That's the charming part.
she's absolutely charming. the gentleman at the end of the video is lavendar diamond drummer (and becky's real life bfry) Ron Rege Jr, a phenomenal cartoon artist. both such cool and talented people!