Brother Reade - "Now They Want Half" (dir. Banner Gwin)
Brother Reade's "Now They Want Half" from Tale of the
Whale. Director Banner Gwin.
Daughtry's brother? ..or maybe cousin? ;)
amazing how expressiv an empty sofa can be. but the whole video seems to me as if it wasn't made the real band. there is something fake about it. the actor doesnt match and there seems to miss the rest of the band. even though beautful shot. good art direction. nice to be watched.
really dig this. just posted something on it over here.
very primary. excellent. (does this mean i'm white?)
Daku-- the 2 gents in the video are the real (and only) members of the band-- cool, right?! Love the color scheme and the lack of in-your-face booty, bling, and "badass" cars. Tappin' feet and nodding head good. Has this director done more?
yig - thats fantastic! very cool acting. great voice.
song title: "Like Duh"