lo-fi is sci-fi : "The Script You Wrote is Terrible" dir. Chris Zabriskie
First video from lo-fi is sci-fi's new album, "We Were Wrong."

better quality: the script; march (direct flv's anyone?)
A stunning little music video experiment. Brent's blog has now become his creative means.
This is awesome.
I disagree with so much of it and find myself loving the mental argument I'm having with the piece. A+
Lucas is a phenominal filmmaker, but he traded any/any creative talents for the love of business. He went from rebel to empire in half a decade. And dude, Children of Men problems? How the fuck can you love Brown Bunny? Man....
I had nothing to do with this I promise you. It made me laugh though.
I think that still Progosk posted is just a wordcount inequality. 8 > 6
FLV links give a 410 error. Anyway, here they are.
March to the sky The Script You Wrote is Terrible
Try recover them from your browser cache (For Mozilla type "about:cache" in the address bar)
George Lucas sucks - Brown Bunny sucks, too - Peter Jackson sucks... but his movie "Heavenly Creatures" ist very very good - your music video is good - I like the song
a "less than" sign in front of Gondry? blasphemy! I won't even justify the statememnt by looking up this so called "greater than".
Impressive in the ability to hold my attention. Really impressive in the ability to hold my attention.