MOTOR "Bleep # 1" (Dir: Woody Batts)
Promo for "Bleep #1" from MOTOR's latest album "Unhuman". Contains strobe effect (viewers prone to seizures be advised).

viewers prone to seizures be advised?
Christ, all viewers should be advised it makes yuo feel sick as a parrot!!!
I see purple dots
mr harding won't be happy...
if you're going to do something as visually hazardous, why not take it somewhere?
LOL. Less strobe, more motion. I know.
danger for people who suffer epeleptic fits
Professor Harding if you don't mind.
And I am happy.
Since establishing the Clinical Neurophysiology Unit at Aston University in 1963 I have had one sole aim. That of obstructing the fabrication of quick cut, hi-octane, experimental music videos.
I have more than 250 publications in the field of electroencephalography and visual evoked potentials. I am President of the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Chartered Psychologist. I have delivered numerous named and invited lectures.
One of my special areas of interest is photosensitive epilepsy, a subject on which I have published two books and many papers. I have also carried out the largest study of a photosensitive population in the world. Many of these studies have been carried on over a period of 35 years. I am the consultant adviser to the BACC on problems of photosensitivity and televised material and assisted in the drafting of the ITC Guidelines. I also drafted the guidelines for the Commercial Broadcasters Association of Japan, and NHK (Public Broadcasting Corporation). I have appeared on television programmes about photosensitive epilepsy in many countries of the world but I have no real interest in its prevention, merely using its existence to obstruct film-making.
When I collaborated with Cambridge Research Systems Ltd (CRS) to develop the Harding FPA Flash and Pattern Analyser I laughed like a drunk dog at the thought of the thousands of film-makers who wouldn't be able to use strobes in their promos if they wanted them to be on the telly.
HAHAHAHA!!! Effin quality professor.
Professor/Evil genius/The thorn in my side.. one day i will slip one past you without having to regrade it to look like a milky mess..
You may be able to trick impressionable youngsters into buying product but, try as you very well may, you can never trick the Flash and Pattern Analyser.