The Horrors "She's The New Thing" Dir: Corin Hardy

I'm not much for the vid, but I love this band.
very well done
i think the style of animation in this video is beautiful. because it's [intentionally] jerky it's quite difficult to grasp spatially on the first viewing. you pick up more the 2nd and 3rd times you watch it - which is good in any video i guess.
i've heard the band could only spare an hour of their time for the shoot but corin was animating for 2 weeks for 20hrs a day! [also heard a rumour that it's a pig's heart and blood in the video - anyone know if that's true?]
either way this is a kick-ass video. love it ;)
Yes, Mr Hardy. What a brilliant video. Beautifully raw animation with clearly hours, days and weeks of love going into it. So much going on in each frame without it being too 'busy' and overloading. I've watched it so many times and still finding new bits to it.
such (steadmanesque) integration - excellent.
very cool actually my favorite this year.
absolutely superb. look at the work that went into that! fucking great.
Awesome work. The twenty-hour days comment is a bit disturbing. Please tell me somebody paid this man well! -j
not bad... the still frames are great, animation not very good. Also, every inch resembles a 'London Dungeon' commercial from years ago which many people on here wont remember, dir by 'Bunny Schneider' i think. looks like a blatant rip to me.
bellissimo! Bravo Corin. wonderful.
awesome xD Beautiful vid plus I met the maker of this vid today, Corin Hardy, he's great =D nahahahaha