Paul McCartney "Dance Tonight" dir. Michel Gondry

Only on YouTube at the moment
reminds me of his White Stripes video with projections on the walls. But the video is good. It's funny because the final scene looks like michel just wanting to have some fun doing a party.
Good stuff, although I couldn't even tell that Natalie Portman was in it until I read the website. The dangers of debuting your video on youtube.
It's average which is a bit of disappointment as Gondry is a lot more 4D than this and it apparently cost a shed load of money so trying to really see where it all went? Obviously money doesn't = creativity but it damn well helps.
I wonder if he's channeling
Similarly hokey.
That's actually a better video... and song.
Where is the ghost of his ex-wife's leg?
That guy from The Office... 10 thousand dollars
Natalie Portman... 20 thousand dollars
A music video paid for by a global coffee conglomerate... 1.6 million dollars (real number)
How much you were able to shove down your pants and make out the back door with... 1.1 million dollars
The chance to jam with Paul McCartney... Priceless.
There are some things in life money can't buy. For the rest of us, there's Death Cab for Cutie videos.
Dazed & Confused Mag 'behind the scenes' piece here:
1.6 million dollars? Seriously?
Great video, good fun, lots of classic Gondry visuals. I feel the need to tell people that the Post Office vehicle Mackenzie Crook is driving at the beginning doesn't actually exist in real life, so I imagine a good chunk of the budget went on it.
Gondry probably hasn't done a commercial with a budget less than 1.6 million in 6 years; so the shoot was probably treated exactly like that.
I liked it - it's charming. I thought it came together at the end when the household items switched places; I would've liked to see more of that theme.
Also- where was the McCartney impersonator?
"Also- where was the McCartney impersonator?"
Starring in the video!
This website may, or may not, be the work of a deranged twat though
The funny thing is that i was more interested by the music they played at the right end. A good vid but some stuffs already used before.
The Frog Song is supreme evidence of this.
That cost more than November Rain or Waterfalls? No dis to fellfromthesky, but I'll believe it when I hear it from a less-anonymous source. At least in his features, Michel is pretty conscientious of cost, and this doesn't look $1.6m tall.
prarie: very uncanny, that (down to the lyrics)...
You think that's uncanny? Check out this;
fun video. oddly, not a bad song at all.
That is a very disappointing Michel Gondry video. It's as bland as the song.
it's a pretty good video. it's not ground breaking, but not everything has to be. an easy watch.
I heard video was 1.6million dollars too. And I am the son of the lord God. Honest.
or 3/4 of a million quid if you prefer. What a fantastically crap use of money for the postman pat van, maybe Michel gets to drive it around set on his features?
That was freaking funny!
Yeah, i heard 750k pounds, but i did the conversion.
Yeah, i heard it was 15 Mil. WHATEVER, who cares...
Anybody consider that it may have been 1.6m and put together in two weeks? I'm just speculating; reminds me of Romanek story of how "scream" got to be so expensive.
people that make 50k videos for a living care
So do people who make $500 videos.
That said, economics aside, I think it's a pretty sweet. Where can I order a box with the ghost of Natalie Portman? That's what we all should really be asking.
Gondry mov
thx kzr :)
20 min. making of = "On the Set of 'Dance Tonight'" directed by Marco Sandeman = mov