The Hoosiers "Worried About Ray" (Dir: Diamond Dogs)

I really like the look of this one. Can anyone tell me how was it achieved?
simple! a great tk op (oh, and a decent dop to boot) nice work boys!!
congrats on a fucking great job fellas - i think this is your best yet!
Telecine by Simone Grattarola at Rushes. I think he does most of Diamond Dogs's promos.
great video! great song.. acting was awefully good....
Brilliant, great trbute to Ray Harryhausen without going over peoples heads and forgetting to make a good video. Reminds me of Intergalactic a bit too.
Love it.
the energy and enthusiasm these guys put into every project is infectious. 2007 is not only the year of the golden pig but of the diamond dogs!
ps. scooper i love you!!
blush gee, thanks montana!
nicely done.
great vid gents - good work
lovely piece of work. and i like the idea of ray not being arsed about playing the keyboards and just wanting to work on his models. it's a fun pastiche of a inter-band politics. with monsters.