Eve – “Tambourine”, Director - Melina

New dope from Eve, back wiv a bang
rapid 77.6mb avi
mega 77.6mb avi
some links here - five photos from the shoot here - dir's name is Melina btw :)
jus' clocked the director rite name on another blog kev, rather brite innit glorious tho, Eve's first stab at choreographed moves!
Good stuff. Melina's best and high on Eve's career list as well.
wow what a colossal crap. where's the innovation?
no one should expect innovation from Melina b/c her career is built around these type of videos. is this a bad thing?
I thought it had some good things going for it. Eve took a page from Gwen's book and it suits her nicely. Colors weren't quite JKahn's "Bombs Over Baghdad" but were still blooming.
innovation? we can't all ketchup wiv ur high standards kayser!
Mayonnaise yourself. My standards are only minimal. This rubbish is soaked with clichés. Not even trashy. Not even second degré.
lex -
Joseph Kahn does have some great colors, but not in "Bombs Over Baghdad" - that was Dave Meyers.
Ah yes, of course. How could I forget? My bad. "Bombs Over Baghdad" is still one of my favorite edits of all time.
Tut tut seems to me kayser is reiterating his literal piquancy with rather more irritation than relish, which is tabasco'z I don't really care!