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Klaxons "It's Not Over Yet" Dir. Saam

I think it's time for a new director.


mva, June 5, 2007 at 8:01:26 PM CEST

what a hokey concept... i didn't like this one at all.

captainmarc22, June 5, 2007 at 8:09:18 PM CEST

i dug it but conceptually it was way too similar to golden skans....

commissionergordan, June 5, 2007 at 8:54:10 PM CEST

I love it, a definite step up in photography.

Saam for best director at the CADS?

nu_shuz, June 5, 2007 at 8:57:09 PM CEST

hmmm... not sure about this one either. all saams videos seem to come with the same imprint. isn't it time for something different?

tekwrekfury, June 5, 2007 at 10:40:41 PM CEST

i liked the idea, it was like a really good dream. but a bit more black and white than mine. its nice they keep working with him, because it means he gets to keep experimenting with ideas. golden skans didn't have a concept as such it was just things / them falling and colorful liquids filmed using high speed photography. looked really nice and went really well with the music.. The fact that all Saams videos "come with the same imprint" shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, thats generally what directors do.

lusk81, June 5, 2007 at 10:57:37 PM CEST

If this duo is not bashing penis lights in glitter and lace:

They're defending a center of rotating anal tubes from being, ehmm, compromised by reflective penis triangles.

Dr Freud says, "These boys are terrified of glass projectiles from entering their back doors".

Anti-homerotic? No sir.

Homoerotic? Not on this nickel.

Just pretentious, silly, and conceptually flawed? Lottery won.

kevathens, June 5, 2007 at 11:26:13 PM CEST

Freud must have given outstandingly erudite head.

Seriously, how many of the brilliant white men of the early 20th century were actually mild autistics? I could name a few older gentlemen I know who are obviously autistic but whose omnipotent presence (and sometimes deluded behavior) no one thinks of challenging.

This video's great, but yeah just a bit too close to Golden Skans.

commissionergordan, June 6, 2007 at 2:03:55 AM CEST

See, if Saam could get the go ahead to make another Klaxons vid like this we'd have a trilogy, or a triptych if you will, of klaxons glass smashing vids and it would alot more sense to the doubters. which would be ace.


mookie, June 6, 2007 at 5:23:07 AM CEST

deja view? how/why would a band go for the same concept twice...unless they have some sort of "sword fetish."

najork, June 6, 2007 at 7:31:14 AM CEST

The deja vu was from hearing that trance song covered (original by Grace). I like the look of it. Though if I were to 'go with it' I'd be confused as to why a stronghold would have a plate glass ceiling.

My respect for Saam has been multiplied after checking out his website and finding it mostly consisting of odd editing experiments.

chatters, June 6, 2007 at 11:37:59 AM CEST

I think this is fucking great. I'm with tek, when its the same band and same director there is inevitably going to be a visual thread running through but i think that's a good thing and ties the band's campaign together really well. Saam nails it every time and this is no exception. So what if they smash up glass things again? It looks pretty cool on film doesn't it?

vs, June 6, 2007 at 12:12:37 PM CEST

I think this is great. I also think it's great to see a band/director relationship like this continue to succeed and progress. I think this is their best outing yet.

osophy777, June 6, 2007 at 7:01:12 PM CEST

This is by far the least inventive outing yet. Next...

pineapple powder, June 6, 2007 at 7:19:12 PM CEST

do the klaxons even know how homoerotic their latest videos are? is this the image they're intentionally going for?

also, doesn't it seem like Saam just wants to be hired to direct the sequel to Ultrviolet or some other crappy big budget action movie starring Milla Jovovich?

dansully, June 7, 2007 at 1:35:15 AM CEST

Saam direct a big budget action movie? Bring it on!

toddyokoh, June 7, 2007 at 3:04:39 AM CEST

Consistent with the motifs, sure. Nothing wrong with that, especially with the same band. Imagine if Saam did this sort of thing with a few different bands, oh the outcry. This is a neat video to round out the cycle. How long can it go? Well, at this point maybe not much longer, but at least enjoy it while it lasts.

tekwrekfury, June 7, 2007 at 10:20:19 AM CEST

gay scifi: lets just apply the same logic to starwars: the only way to destroy the deathstar is to fly up its crak in a monobolloked penis and fire your payload up its exhaust pipe, everyone else fails at the last minute until Luke finally tries it with his eyes closed.

kevathens, June 7, 2007 at 12:22:22 PM CEST


progosk, June 8, 2007 at 1:25:57 AM CEST

what is this, rasmus for the next generation?

tash_curly, June 10, 2007 at 1:10:56 PM CEST

I absolutely love this video. Reminds me of superman a little bit with the crystals. Also the redish/ pink colour when the boys fade in ontop of eachother as they swing on there swords is stunning. Well done Saam. Want to see where you can take your work next!

mva, June 12, 2007 at 10:41:41 AM CEST

saam is gay, no? i guess the homosexual imagery makes sense...

hassinator, June 12, 2007 at 7:01:11 PM CEST

for some reason this makes me think of those therapy videos of the mid-90s though that's probably to do with the idealised sets

still cool video - what's not to love?


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