Dungen - "Familj" (dir. Jon Leone)

I don't usually go in for this sort of experimental visual pastiche, but this is done really well.
Windows ASX or Quicktime Stream
the power of organic.
i don't usually go for this kind of stuff either. this seemed like the rest
I thought the imagery and music worked well together, in a way that wasn't entirely boring (as is often the case with these sorts of videos). Reminded me of (parts of) Eric's Trip or Flying Saucer Attack videos from the early '90s.
looks lovely - if it was combined with footage that meant something, it could be less boring... wonder how much was stock footage, mashed up a bit, and how much actually shot?
I agree. The Eric's Trip videos often moved into abstraction, but had either a performance or story that held them together -- this certainly could have used that.
Also, Progosk: amazing link.