About the little ant on the right...
I added a small button to support the Antville Summer Of Code '07. Though you'll find all the information over at Tobi's, here is a small summary.
Antville is an open-source blog hosting system. The actual project has been on hiatus for almost three years. A few weeks ago Tobi, one of the developers, decided to pick up the pieces, fix bugs, add new features and prepare a few new releases. He is planning to switch to a part-time job and spend the other half of his time coding for Antville.
He is also planning to come up with a solution to keep the server and the whole antville.org community up, alive and independent. This includes looking for a hosting company and sponsor of the bandwidth, as well as creating a small fund to cover possible hardware replacements. (As a side note, the current server was financed by the Antville community through a similar call for donations back in 2002.)
So, please: donate a little something if you can afford it, spread the word, and contact Tobi at his site if you can lend a hand in any other way.
nice roadmap here.
this place has history, heroes, buzz, t-shirts, even... let's make sure it gets the bright future it deserves.
Wasn't there going to be a videos.antville t-shirt once upon a time?
well, if someone were to come up with a proper design...
kris: what sayst?
i'm fine with it, but i can't think of a clever idea. this site doesn't have a name or a logo and i personally don't like shirts with an url on it.
shurely... the 'ville's timeless&unique url is its logo, no?
true. in fact, not having anything remotely close to a brand is quite charming.
how about going with something a bit more oblique(like you only spot the reference if you know the website) using the font and colours of the above, but with the T-shirt saying something like:
could be. something a mite more incisive, p'haps?
how about: "Have You Seen Eden Maze ?"