Dragonettes - Take It Like A Man (dir: Ben Taylor)
Shot in London w. Crossroads for Canadian band Dragonette.

Something about this band makes me dislike their music intensely. Anyway, this totally avoided being clever. Their last video was no better or worse, and also played up the whole "sex sells" thing.
thankfully Dragonette! are not going for the bored as fuck hipster sound/look familiar so requires. Who knows maybe these kids might even make some money or make some people dance, and not in an 'ironic' way. Good work here, guys, great song, great video.
"thankfully Dragonette! are not going for the bored as fuck hipster sound/look familiar so requires"
Actually, that is EXACTLY what they are, and it's what makes this come off as rather bandwagonesque. But maybe you were being ironic?
i heart hipster chicks.
Anyone know who shot this??
Nice production value. What was the budget?
35k i believe...(english pounds that is)
hey, it looks nice enough, but got to agree it could go somewhere a bit more... didn't need the orgasmic face/actaully doing something else gag THAT many times. and for 35k (if that's what it was) they could've got more. are they actaully called 'Dragonette!' ? bands with forced punctuation make me hurl.
it's a sad state of music videos when someone says "they could've got more for 35k." i never thought that day would come.
late to this. very tastefully done.
Watched this las' week Shamed to say I could not remember anything 'bout it 'cept the singer, models some ov her vocals on a Gwen Stefani styling Still as I had not deleted the clip from HD I was able to watch it again without need to re-DL The clip is well directed and produced the 80's porn kitsch comes across very well So tho' an annomily it might be, I'll agree wiv prog 'tastefully done'!