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Interpol - The Heinrich Maneuver

adamthomson33, June 26, 2007 at 8:55:20 PM CEST

Cool Oneapolloza.

Although, about the last 30 seconds I knew where the video was going, and was hoping they didn't go that direction and of course they end it with the very obvious and cliche ending.

Great song, video is not as great, but still good to see something that is not the straight up rock preformance video and attempts to do soemthing different.

kevathens, June 26, 2007 at 9:09:51 PM CEST

Directed by E. Elias Merhige. I know this mostly just spoils the fun, but it's kinda like Velouria. It feels very 120 Minutes-era, which is nice in a way.

timop, June 26, 2007 at 10:19:42 PM CEST

"Copyrights restrict us from playing this video outside the U.S."

A mirror please.

stoney, June 26, 2007 at 10:20:07 PM CEST

That video sucked ass. Are you kidding me? Bore/confuse the audience until the end and then hit the girl with a car. woopie!

A. didnt go with the song at all B. shot wasn't particularly cool to look at C. yawn

Girl looking into pocket sized mirror in the beginning of the video.... cliche (see saam's simian mobile disco clip and others)

Birds flying in slow motion in front of the action... cliche

and as adam said, the ending... so cliche and obvious.

The tough part is that its a good song too.

captainmarc22, June 26, 2007 at 10:27:44 PM CEST

awful. Even fast forwarding it sucked. Interpol is horrible at choosing music videos. Someone introduce them to Patrick Daughters NOW.

kevathens, June 26, 2007 at 10:45:51 PM CEST

They actually might do well with Saam - black on black. Daughters for sure. I'd go for Associates in Science again. The two he did for them are the best matches, imo.

setanor, June 26, 2007 at 10:46:21 PM CEST

floria sigismondi did one of her best videos for them...

anyhow, she isn't getting hit by the bus...

winchandpulley, June 26, 2007 at 10:50:24 PM CEST

did it end? I lost patience.

spit, June 26, 2007 at 10:57:25 PM CEST

I didn't mind the Levi one for Slow Hands or the Floria one. I thought the Associates in Science ones were pretty cool too, and the Charlie White one grew on me. It's hard to mess up with tracks that are so cinematic sounding.

This one seems like such a missed oppurtunity. In the youtube age, you have to come up with something that doesn't make me automatically fast forward to the end and you have to have a pay-off that doesn't feel so slight. I could swallow the whole artsy statement angle if this didn't feel so lazy.

I feel like I've seen too many videos this month that, from a label standpoint, make a good case for no longer investing in videos.

catherine, June 26, 2007 at 11:43:00 PM CEST

anyone got another link? doesnt play outside of the u.s

setanor, June 27, 2007 at 6:02:53 AM CEST

you know, i honestly honestly think that i appreciate that there are artists that refuse to collapse their medium into youtube sized bites of attention-whoring.

in the youtube age, you have to come up with something that doesnt wear on its sleeve that it was designed purely to capture my attention.

mva, June 27, 2007 at 6:39:13 AM CEST


kevathens, June 27, 2007 at 1:08:07 PM CEST

Exactly what I was thinking, setanor. YouTube is not technology's final answer in video watching. The YouTube era is a transitional one.

waldar, June 27, 2007 at 3:59:24 PM CEST

Youtubed now

progosk, June 27, 2007 at 5:31:32 PM CEST

i stuck this out (despite being half-bored by the song), and was disappointed only by the very last second (particularly the audio).

electric_wet, June 27, 2007 at 5:47:21 PM CEST

Yeah whats with the last second! Otherwise I quite liked it.

otc, June 28, 2007 at 2:46:06 AM CEST

Yeah instead of a crunch they should have just ended it with a rimshot sound effect. This would have kept me watching on TV just out of curiosity, but I was itching to fast forward it on-line.

A Saam video would be cool but unlikely. De Thurah probably likes Interpol right?

adam egypt mortimer, June 28, 2007 at 6:26:37 PM CEST

i thought this was strangely engaging. much more interesting than lots of videos with a million cuts and that i shut off after a minute and a half.

i'd like to see it in a better quality version than the u2b -- i couldnt tell if it looked weirdly collage-styled greenscreen or what was going on stylistically.

but what is it with interpol and car accident concepts?

notthatnima, June 28, 2007 at 7:28:16 PM CEST

This video sucks. That said, I'd still like to applaud Interpol on taking a risk with the treatment they chose verse taking the safe, standard performance route.

hiconcept, June 28, 2007 at 8:19:54 PM CEST

I'm starting to applaud the unexpectedness of thier video choices, and this is the opposite of what I expected from their major label video debut. Points for inconoclasm, though not necessarily great watching.

That said, I'm hoping for a really serious video this album...maybe some Floria action. Or just go all the way and get fucking Crewdson.

fine_comb, June 29, 2007 at 5:40:38 PM CEST

this sucks

kayser_sauze, July 29, 2007 at 4:00:48 PM CEST

divx / mov inside swf (what a stupid idea)

dek, August 23, 2007 at 11:40:23 AM CEST

Not a mov. Just mimicks the Quicktime interface. Nostalgia?


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