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PETROL / song: CERA / dir: Postodellefragole

. screenshot videoclip CERA - PETROL / dir: Postodellefragole screenshot videoclip CERA - PETROL / dir: Postodellefragole screenshot videoclip CERA - PETROL / dir: Postodellefragole

Sorry, i found only youtube format, but i got some nice pictures. Enjoy the video...

kevathens, June 27, 2007 at 1:40:27 PM CEST

Could you put the pics in the comments here?

progosk, June 27, 2007 at 2:12:34 PM CEST

the pictures are such spoilers - i agree with k.

nice style choices and cadence to this; also like the subtle distortions. sortofa blairwitch of mew's special.


(here's the hi-q flv.)

progosk, June 27, 2007 at 2:37:24 PM CEST

part of the directing collective's treatment:

We wanted to shoot a night video. The darkness hides most of the set, the camera only picks up what's lit by a single, directional light. The idea was to have the characters move out of darkness into a precarious cone of light, and then return into the dark. The premise is: a parenthesis. Watching the video, you have the impression of seeing part of a film that's already started, and of leaving before the story's finished. For us the piece is a stub, a segment, an orphan (in more general terms), something that's missing its causal reason - not that it doesn't have one, it's just impossible to make out. The characters are similarly orphaned, and they carry their typical, painful stigmata. As the video unfolds, their monstrosity takes form on their faces, and we are left with the impression that it's the only certain element that will remain.

yellowbrushes, June 27, 2007 at 2:41:48 PM CEST

ok, i put some of spoiler pics inside the comment area

screenshot videoclip CERA - PETROL / dir: Postodellefragole screenshot videoclip CERA - PETROL / dir: Postodellefragole screenshot videoclip CERA - PETROL / dir: Postodellefragole
progosk, June 27, 2007 at 2:43:16 PM CEST

thaaat's better. feel free to add the hi-q flv link up top.

arrr captain, June 27, 2007 at 4:12:56 PM CEST

had me completely hooked until i saw the guitarist. really atmoshperic and eerie and then, there's a bloody guitarist on the beach, give over!! its so extreme that i felt it really didn't need the glimpse of the band..good work though. subtle n' spooky.

otc, June 28, 2007 at 2:41:25 AM CEST

This is great, one of my favorites of the month. Worth a nod in the best cinematography category next time the ville awards come around.

speacocke, June 30, 2007 at 1:58:33 PM CEST

i really, really like this BUT..... such a shame there are a couple of silly looking men standing around with guitars; nevermind i still love it :)

progosk, July 21, 2007 at 8:01:41 PM CEST

zipped mov, divx.

hiroshy71, January 9, 2008 at 6:27:08 PM CET

E' proprio con questo video che ho conosciuto i Petrol in una notte di Agosto, ed è proprio grazie a questo video che ne sono rimasto affascinato. Bravissimo il regista che è riuscito a rappresentare al meglio la filosofia dei Petrol in un video davvero suggestivo!!!

bbc, January 9, 2008 at 7:02:35 PM CET

Were you sleeping during english lessons or what?

progosk, January 9, 2008 at 7:15:14 PM CET


veronica89, January 11, 2008 at 9:26:13 PM CET

stupendo video stupenda musica, ma dai petrol ci si poteva aspettare solo il meglio! grande scelta fotografica e musicale!


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