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Madonna - Hey You


young.francis, July 7, 2007 at 11:39:05 AM CEST

what the...?

spl33nidoru, July 7, 2007 at 1:38:29 PM CEST

disgusting and shameless imho

kevathens, July 7, 2007 at 3:19:06 PM CEST

Heart's in the right place. I heard they wanted to make environmentalism a lil' bit sexy, which is Madonna's calling card, but..

dir Johan Söderberg and Marcus Lindquist

Apparently Live 8 was mostly a bust - Perhaps it's time to pack up these global megaconcert events and just write our politicians.

good soul department, July 8, 2007 at 6:26:27 AM CEST

F*cking retarded.

Besides, apparently green means money to Madge.

There's some splainin' to do.

jumpylooy, July 8, 2007 at 10:41:09 AM CEST

um since when has she not been a trend-chasing opportunist? i just read the foxnews story, and i can't say that a single word of it surprised me. brings to mind whats-his-name, that senator/prez cand/whatever that finished a rally on the environment, drove away in a hybrid, and was snapped by the razzi 2 blocks away getting into some gas-guzzling SUV.

sorry, i'm getting off-topic, but...the song's laaaaame. the production's laaaame.

p.s. thanks for ruining stuart price. i'm sure that album he was about to release 2 years ago is on its way right-quick.

loz, July 8, 2007 at 12:16:00 PM CEST

that makes me wretch. i mean, apart from the total unimaginative say-what-you-see dredging of stock photography (poets and prophets...ooh, i know, let's have a photo of einstein!), apart from the naffness of lyrics written up big on the screen (hey, this is really important y'know) there's just NO coherence to the message - nothing to suggest how people should change, nothing to suggest that the way ordinary people live their lives might be the problem (first be yourself? nope. DON'T be yourself). and since when did poaching tigers have anything to do with climate change? it's just a thoughtless lumping together of 'green' imagery in a cack-handed attempt to appear conciencious.

sorry, i saw a little too much of Live8 on tv this weekend, am still angry... did G8 change anything? did it squat! at least Live Earth raised a load of money... these concerts do f*ckall except create a massive carbon footprint and massage pop-stars egos.

apologies for rant.

loz, July 8, 2007 at 12:39:02 PM CEST

sorry, in anger all words mixed got up... not so helpful when trying to make serious point. to clarify:

live aid (in 80s) = good. in the sense that it raised some money.

live8 & G8 = fairly pointless, although did force some politicians to pay lip-service to idea.

live earth = very very bad in all senses.

spreech, July 8, 2007 at 9:12:14 PM CEST

this is even more horrible: PINK dear mr president a shame on pink & madonna

framescourer, July 10, 2007 at 12:52:55 PM CEST

Yes, I can see this will appeal to many. I'm not one of them. But then, hers is a different market to that which this appeals. Vive la difference

fraulein grun, July 11, 2007 at 10:22:39 AM CEST

I'm sure she means well, but this must be the worst Madonna song + video I've ever heard + seen.

I don't agree with the Live Earth rants though. I agree, using celebrities to spread the message is perhaps not such a good idea (Snoop Dogg? With his videos full of SUV's? Are you kidding me?), but at least they're trying. When has being cynical helped to achieve something?

captainhairy, July 11, 2007 at 10:45:18 AM CEST

good point fraulein.

kayser_sauze, July 11, 2007 at 1:54:28 PM CEST

mov, avi, and even vob.


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