the mint chicks - walking off a cliff again
Liked that a lot.
Nicely done. kept my attention.
er... yeah. looks beautiful, really loved the imagery, it's just, felt a bit deliberately nonsensical? that's probably the point i guess.
the stuff on top of the build was gorgeous - weirdly made my stomach turn.
that was some rabbithole! (nice'un, spea. also: what glassy, bleeding lenses are those?)
1 part brilliant, 4 parts really good
Prog: No special lens here. Tis a compositing trick.
hello fellows, tis indeed a compositing trick in flint. unfortunately although it was done to a level correct for viewing on television is is for my eye a little too severe for online use... nevermind. the lenses were actually zeiss superspeeds :) thanks for the feedback guys, is there any other blogs any of you know of that i could post it?
this is fantastic.
That it is. Was yesterday national surrealism day in antville?
Bonjour Mr peacock, ca va? You still at Film Con
Thats the Lad from Mike D's short film
Tres bien - like the feel - some fantastic shots - the composited stuff really works well, adds to the whole warped feel - are there some Gummo, Donnie darko refs in there, all good ****?
Brilliant nonsense. Super fun. Great ending. Hoo hooo.
bonjour roger, tres bien merci!!! i am actually ensconced at Robber's Dog Films now :) i cant seem to work out who you are (not a very good detective......) the lad is indeed Emlyn Williams of "Truant" fame.....