Spoon - "The Underdog" Dir. Keven McAlester

effortless cool; love the band's non-protagonism. (is there a specific allusion/narrative here, given the ending?)
Couldn't quite figure out the narrative either but still I'd say this is Spoon's first good video.
Direct link: media.ghostrobot.net
Love it. I thought Everything Hits at Once was their first good one (dir Divya Srinivasan)
(my vote'd be the keepon version of "i turn my camera on".)
"Everything Hits at Once" is classic.
this was good though. Especially for a band who's made an unusually high amount of crap videos.
yeah this is awesome. i wrote on it, budget was super super low. kevin knocked it out of the park.
This is one of the best videos I've seen in a long while. Nice touches all over the shop. Favourite bit was the girl with the tambourine... both times we see her.
Great stuff!
I likey.
great vid, regardless of budget.
Really cool video, I liked it a lot. Reminded me a lot of the Rolling Stones portion of Symphathy For The Devil where the camera moves around the room as the band all sit in the middle work out the track and record it. Well done.
otaku- as you mention the budget was small... just out of interest... do you mind disclosing how much was set for this?
sorry dude in fairness to kevin i'd rather not say. i understand why it's good to know, but i think it's nice for directors never to publicly be carrying what people should expect them to deliver videos for.
very nice