Remi Nicole "Go Mr Sunshine" Dir. Family

New one for Remi Nicole from the UK directed by 'Family' (@ Colonel Blimp) Heres the Mov - Get it while it's up
Try hard gondry. Yawn.....
ha ha. actually, really cute.
Realy cool song and a nice video... surely not that original or clever as a Gondry video (tho Gondry's not always that clever...), but it's still true at heart. and that's good enough for me.
this is gay and not in a good way. I dont want to even bother comparing it to a try hard gondry. Boring.
I never normally make comments on this site but after a few weeks viewing it appears that all Jeeesus Pimp does is makine bitchin hatin' comments with little direction. Almost every video posted has a bitchy comment from this 'authority' that is Jesus. Echos like the warblings of a fustrated director. Chill out dude and dont be so angry. Sounds most definitely like you are the one who is gay and not in a good way. Fustrations of fools aside this video is really cute and so is the song. Modular coloured stop animation obviously echos gondry although this crate animation idea is an original one that I have not seen before. Cute quailty work
making things of legos making things out of crates making things out of dice
a very well done video that is fun but an example of a video that is making me so bored of music videos
exactly. saying something is gay is like being the first who says "hey, someone farted". bah. let's keep on making a better world by hiding behind anonymous nicknames (me in the first place).
hhhmmm not frustrated director just a very frustrated viewer. It is no wonder that there are a great number of bad music videos when there is nobody to stand up and say this is shit. And no i dont have any work to upload buenosonic but this doesnt mean i dont have any less right to have an opinion. Also lax i am generally not a hater but i do hate being shovelled stale bread and told its chocolate. And to you sassyq i have seen crate animation before so therefore i do not believe it is original. One more thing sassyq what is this 'little direction' thing? You havnt said anything about the video critically whether its good or bad all you have said is that it is cute and looks like gondry? Surely i am a cunt but atleast i dont make comments like 'cute quality work'. Anyway this is the last comment i am making. All you back patters can go back to your safe little world. But remember jeeesus is watching and there are others out here in the audience who are similarly unimpresssed.
Nice video.
whatEVER! jeeesus! you seem to have some kind of god complex that your opinion is the majority. It looks pretty clear it is not.
There are too many directors of both feature films and music videos to name that have been inspired by directors before them. it is certainly no crime. it is in fact the evolution of film making. Equally this remi nicole track would not sound the way it does if it was not for the likes of the arctic monkeys and dare i say it - britpop ala oasis and blur.
I enjoyed this video, it's a cool colorful idea well executed that suits the track. Good work mr blimp, back on form.
hilarious! I thought this was a forum for criticising the technical and artistic merits of music videos but it seems to have fallen into some sort of nonsensical mud throwing match.
i enjoyed the video but agree that it is unoriginal and reminds me of somebody who is over inspired by gondry. But it works for the song and thus is successful in its own way.
I'm not sure about majority 'toyzrus'. Quite often if i dont like a video i just stop watching it, move on to the next one and don't bother commenting. I agree with captain bob. Well done but ultimately unexciting.
I think evolution means adding something new? I dont believe this video is doing that. Whatever.... i give it 6 out of 10 for execution.
the video is ok but i really do think jeeesus pimp is a god that has been angered by bad videos and now we will be plagued by locusts, the rivers will turn to blood, the sun will go black... etc
I really like this. I didnt get bored and it looks supercool. An enjoyable video with a really great vibe. Song sounds like a summer hit if you guys in britain get any sun! HAHA
Yaaay! Fun! Yaaay! Simple idea that actually kept building enough to hold my attention throughout. Sure, it smacks a bit of He Who Is Always Named, but if you let that kind of thing bother you, most music videos won't be of interest.
The screencap kind of gave away the money shot a bit, but that didn't hamper my enjoyment.
Could the Mr. Sunshine Crate-Bot defeat one of the Transformers?
What the hell is good and bad gay anywho?
It is a good video. Sure it is not original and it echoes something from Gondry, but, people, Gondry is not the only director with this style - and I am sure he was not the creator of this whole genre.
i liked it. wasnt bored once, and i did remind me a bit of gondry- which doesnt make the video bad or unoriginal. should we not bother to create anything in fear of always being compared to someone else? jeez. gimme a break