Kanye West "Can't Tell Me Nothing" (version two) dir. Michael Blieden

Features Will Oldham and Zach Galifianakis
Quicktime - link - flv (via pitchfork)
Caught the first showing by Zach Galifianakis at Hiro in New York a few weeks ago as he headed up a hilarious "bad art auction". This is great.
hey fam: Did Zach direct it?
Pretty Genius.
Man, Kanye sure loves making alternate versions of his videos. At first I thought it was a remix with that Iron and Wine guy.
Fiona dain't put in an appearance then?
kev: Yes he did. Kanye asked Zach to make it, so when Will was at his farm, they put it together. Took a couple days.
yep bloody genius. dancing amish girls - bugger, been sitting on that visual for too long. if only one of my past 12 treatments had come through i would have got there first i tells ya.
a. men.
Like a rainbow of sunshine up my ass on a day with previously naught but rusty screwdrivers.
awesome.... is it just me or does dude no2 look like will oldham
that was amazing.... high wtf factor
ok so i clearly watched the vid but didnt read the intro where it says the bloke is will oldham. whats the chance of that?
When I saw Zach in LA, Kanye was there and they were talking about this collaboration. I thought they were joking, thankfully they weren't because that was awesome. If you remember, Zach was the bearded gentleman in the Fiona videos as well.
good god this is sublime in so many ways. obtusy, where's your essay? (and it was kanye's idea? cred.)
Its really great, funny, i watched it from start to finish etc...
but when are we going to stop finding white/country/old people rapping funny?
Never? Oh, ok!
It's directed by Michael Blieden www.theclawproductions.com. And I love this video too, I work at a farm during the summers so this is totally relateable to me. Nothing beats driving around in a big tractor listening to hiphop.
«Sometime in June Zach sent me a one line email that said "This is going to sound like a joke, but Kanye West wants us to do a video for him." For all the ridiculousness you see here, I have to say we took the song very seriously. We asked ourselves, "What if two farmers from North Carolina set out to make their own Kanye West video...and succeeded?" Special thanks to Will Oldham for his inspired turn as the comic relief in a comedy video, and to Inman Young the most capable producer on the planet. I'll even send a shout out to Canon for the great job their little XH A1 did on this video. If you ever got to see it in HD you'd be impressed. Kanye is in the video, by the way. Briefly.» dixit Michael Blieden.
«On June 1, 2007 I got a one line email from Zach that said, "this sounds like a joke but it is true. Kayne West wants me to lip sync his new video. can you fly to nc to shoot it? " There was very little discussion in advance other than that. Hiring the cloggers was Zach's idea, and Inman was able to track them down. For all the ridiculousness you see here, I have to say we took the song very seriously. We asked ourselves, "What if two farmers from North Carolina set out to make their own Kanye West music video...and succeeded?" Special thanks to singer/actor Will Oldham (Bonnie Prince Billy) for his inspired turn as the inbred cousin. This was my first real use of slow motion lip syncing, which is a common trope in music videos, but reliably neat. Special thanks to the rowdy group of 12 year olds hanging out in front of the library in downtown Sparta who started yelling "Whacha filming NERD!" while I was all alone with the production gear.» dixit Michael Blieden.
Rotating screen caps..