Beck "Round The Bend", Dir. Jeremy Blake

Sad about the suicide. Beside that though does anyone else think that sucks! it felt like i was watching the render slowly update all steppy and shit. "video artists" yet to see any really good ones
I think your criticism is being a little harsh. This is an art peice that was ovbiously not intended to be exhibited in a little square on a computer monitor. the problem you had with it was that it felt like you were watching the render slowly update ?? thats like saying man that painter really sucks cause his paintings are so pixilated. I thought it was very intersesting to watch and made me want to see it displayed in its intended form. Maybe the reason why you have yet to see any really good video artists is because your looking in the wrong places like the interent, in my opinion, the best video art i have seen are projects that create an atmosphere that you are a part of. One peice that I found incredibly facinating was done by Barbra Kruger, i forget what she called it, but she had 4 walls, completely covered in projections of different peoples faces, all have overlapping convesation. You stand in that room and really experience the project, that can't be recreated sitting at your desk watching a tiny ifilm window.
I don't mean to sound like a dick, and this is more of a personal rant about interent and art than an attack on you dec, for all i know you can watch this Beck clip blown up 100ft on the side of a building and tell me its a peice of shit, thats cool.
yeah your right it could be a compression issue with the stepping but either way I fail to be impressed and sure if it was projected 80ft hi on the side of a building in an alley it would be more enrapturing but i would still have an issue with the steppy transitions, beside that this piece is a music video destined for television and internet not alley ways.
I sounded a little blunt with the video artist stuff when I said really good i meant truly great, I have seen good stuff like heads projected on creepy dolls ranting in corners and mirroed rooms with delayed cctv giving cool effects but I am yet to see shit that blows my mind rather than just looks pretty cool, I guess this is due to it still being a relatively new medium, hopeit can get recognized as a great medium one day
think i'm agreeing with dec... looks nice enough, but really, not much point. personally, i think most of 'sea change' shoudln't have a video - have a watch of this vid, and then shut your eyes, see what i mean? the songs aren't meant for visual accompaniment, better without it, just beautiful beautiful tunes.
re. video art - only thing i've ever seen that was truely impressive was by guy called 'pirate hairwaves', and that was more club/mash-up anyway.
Blake also directed Wyclef Jean's "Everyday is a Holiday" (mov) for Plum TV. Filmed on 16mm and Super 8 in the Hamptons. Not even arty-farty.
Jeremy Blake's unfinished work at at NYT
I'm with dec on this Curtains to this debate! I tend to think John Ciardi's quotation "Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves that they have a better idea" might be more apt than Andy Warhol's "I like boring things", when applied to this post. Anyway whateva I won't be watching it again!