kevathens, July 28, 2007 at 7:21:44 PM CEST
Chamillionaire "Hip Hop Police/Evening News" dir. Marc Klasfeld

The state of hip hop, featuring Slick Rick. Flash

The state of the media, the war, the world, etc. Flash
lusk81, July 28, 2007 at 7:48:36 PM CEST
Am I the only one who finds the song/video's message a little muddy and nonsensical...?
dec, July 29, 2007 at 4:34:46 AM CEST
I enjoyed this, i agree it is nonsense but the narrative was performed well, I like the irony though, how ... these words are ... out. i .... it was cute
loz, July 31, 2007 at 5:03:10 PM CEST
agree - nice execution, hazy message. i like the hi-speed sync on the newsreader.
..for a better message, and cheaper (if a bit less slick) UK veriosn, check out jehst's 'nuke proof suit':
i like it. even if a bit eminem. loz
progosk, January 12, 2008 at 11:09:51 PM CET
klasfeld on shooting this, @ paperthinwalls.