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Paula Abdul "Cold Hearted" dir. David Fincher (1989)

From the archives of mv, a Fincher classic


Choreography: Paula Abdul, based on Bob Fosse's dance sequence "Erotica" "Airotica" in All That Jazz (1979)

dickensian_hero, August 4, 2007 at 5:25:37 PM CEST

fincher's got nothing on fosse.
fosse didn't need a jib arm when he made "airotica"

fosse danced with the camera fincher uses a bulldozer.

interesting post, kev

kevathens, August 4, 2007 at 6:01:26 PM CEST

Airotica's on YouTube.

Personally I find this a lot more interesting than Airotica (I've never seen the whole film). But I usually don't get most things that came out in the 70's, or musicals.

This and two other Fincher classics are on DVD.

lusk81, August 6, 2007 at 4:58:06 AM CEST

I'm so with dickensian on this one but with a correction, the 'dance' of fosse's sequence is not in his camera and/or camera work, but in the edit. Stunning stunning editorial work.

And kev, I don't believe you when you say you don't get 'musicals' as mv's are clearly a stones throw away.

loz, August 6, 2007 at 1:31:29 PM CEST

wicked. classic - never knwo it was fincher. i remember being seriously embarresed watching that when my mum walked into the room once.

never saw the extended into before though... pretty hammy, but then it was late 80s. cheers kev, good post. now, anyone got 'two steps forward?'

kevathens, August 6, 2007 at 6:10:12 PM CEST

lusk: I've only seen a few on/off Broadway musicals. Avenue Q being my favorite. But for most musicals I sit there and kinda wince. I never understand why people are singing to each other dramatically on a stage, and I don't get the whole thing about audience reactions. There's a dynamic there that I find strange. But I'm not a social being, as I harp on about. I probably like Avenue Q cuz there's less people, more puppets.

But I like the Sound of Music and Chicago and RHPS on film, and I hope to see Lion King on stage someday. (Grease I h8 with a passion.)

dickensian_hero, August 6, 2007 at 7:39:31 PM CEST

kev, do yourself a favor and go out right now and rent Cabaret and All that Jazz. serioulsy. those other musicals you mention have nothing to do with Bob Fosse.

lusk - you're right it's editing. but also the camera angles. i should have said bob fosse dances with "filmmaking"


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